
Sunday 5 April 2015

Ooops, I forgot.

Good evening folks.
I trust that you have all had a blessed Easter so far. I have been relaxing today, pottering in the garden, in my craft shed and just celebrating quietly the many blessings I have with my family.
While pottering away I suddenly realised that I had not posted my piece for The Craft Barn calender challenge - April. The post can be found HERE , we'd love to see you join in. The colour this month is BLUE and your entry needs to feature an UMBRELLA! This is my contribution.

 I began by gluing white card to my board and lightly brushing some Faux Finishing Medium to create some rainy areas.
 When dry, the board is inked with Peacock Feathers Distress ink and spritzed with water droplets.
 Archival ink is used to stamp the image. I love this, it's a really cool stamp.

Some distress Markers to add some colour. Then the umbrella is added to finish....


  1. LOVELY!
    The peacock blue is stunning!

  2. So you add one card a month? Great idea and love the bird and use of umbrella. I'll have to find out more about this challenge it looks fun!


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