
Tuesday 14 April 2015

If you are ever in Folkstone.

Morning friends.
Once again, it has been a while since my last post. It is turning out to be a busy year again. Still, I am here today to share a couple of things.
Firstly, I'd like to tell you about an amazing artist, in my opinion, who has a shop in Folkstone's Creative Quarter called The Dirty Pen. (Here's a link to his Facebook page) Every time we go down to the town I always stop and drool over his work as I have always loved pen and ink work. Over the Easter weekend we took my Aunt and cousin down that way and obviously popped in for a visit.....
 Here he is busy on a commission piece.
 Part of the shop window. Well, this time I decided that it was about time that I treated myself and picked up two small signed prints which I have just finished framing and are now proudly displayed in my lounge.

So, if you are ever in the area, I can highly recommend a visit; it is truly inspiring art. which then leads me on to my part.... the frames.

I decided that I wanted the frames to be a bit different so I opted to create some porthole style frames and I am really pleased with the finished ones. Especially as they began life like this
 99p plastic frames (glass and back already removed ready to alter)
 The addition of some adhesive pearls, a bit of masking tape, chipboard hinges to create a decorative detail and a generous coating of DecoArt Faux Finishing Medium to seal before leaving to dry.
 This was followed by a selection of colours of Fluid Acrylic from DecoArt, Prussian Blue, Quin Orange, Transparent Red Oxide and Transparent Yellow Oxide.
 When that was dry, a bit of drybrushing with grey paint followed by a couple of gilding waxes in green and gold to bring out the details.
 The inside mats were made by tearing strips of a scrapbook paper to create a random layered finish. I wanted to have a more organic feel, not just a simple square.

They are a pain to photograph as the glass bounces all sorts of reflections back but they look pretty amazing on the wall....
Anyway, I had better get off to work so I'll catch you all later. Hope you have a good afternoon.


  1. Really cool! the colors and the process are GREAT!

  2. great frames Neil and I can see why you like this artist, he is certainly talented.

  3. Nothing like taking plastic and making it look like something is my current favorite thing to do. Love the round frames and the prints are great.


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