
Sunday 15 March 2015

It's been a while.....

Good evening folks.
Gosh it has been a while, I feel I should apologise for not being as visible here as I was but life has been pretty busy and crafting time has been rather limited in that though I have been sneaking moments of crafting into my schedule I have very little to show for it as I now need to put everything together!
However, I thought now would be a good time to just touch base with you all and let you know what's cooking in my creative kitchen.
Apart from my new book kits which I have been doing I also celebrated my silver anniversary so I thought I should try to do something about a cake.......
And, no I didn't make the flowers LOL. I did go shopping for moulds and discovered some lovely ones which I tried to use with icing with very little success. The do however work a treat with cloud clay....

I made these the other day so now they are dry enough to work with. I have an idea.....
Saturday March 7 saw me at The Artistic Stamper for my first journal making workshop which was a great day.

Everyone went home with a beautiful hand sewn journal and full of inspiration for more. I'll be back there at the end of may for my second workshop so that's something to look forward to.

I'm also pleased to say that I will be at The Craft Barn on May 2nd for their monthly inspiration day along with the brilliant Lindsay Mason and Helen Chiltern so it would be lovely to see you there. I'll also be doing a journal making workshop later in May there too.

Today, I've been working on the last of my new release Book Cover kit sample, which I am hoping to get finished soon. In between all this I have had a full workload and courses at work so some evenings I just collapse, actually make that most evenings! Still, I'm back down to the studio now so life is good. Catch you all later......


  1. Congratulations Neil, hope you've enjoyed celebrating your special day.
    I love the book coveres, just wish I could join your workshops, bit expensive to fly from Spain for the day though, maybe one day!

  2. Congratulations on your special day.
    Fabulous book covers :-D


    IKE in Greece xx

  3. Congratulations Neil and I hope you had a wonderful celebration of your special anniversary. The class at Jenny's place looks a great day and it's good to see you back blogging. I'm back to my textile roots now but I love keeping up with the "goings on.
    Jo x


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