
Monday 13 October 2014

For the sheer joy of creating. (and other deep meaningful conversations)

Hi there friends.
I hope this finds you well. This weekend I actually found myself creating something for the sheer joy of creating and I cannot put into words exactly how happy it made me feel inside.
It's nothing really big, nor fancy. Not even particularly practical; yet I love it. Do you know why? Because I just sat there in my studio and used whatever I wanted to use without having to think about whether I "could" use it. Now, I realise that for many of you that comment may not make much sense but if you are on a Design Team or teach at a company or shop, I think you will understand.....
When you are making something for a specific blog as a DT member you work within the parameters of their products. You can't use your favourite product from shop A when you are doing something for shop B and they don't have it available. So, in many cases you feel restricted. Don't get me wrong, I love my DT work and I LOVE to teach and demo. Sometimes however, when you are really busy it takes so much of your time leaving you no time for personal creativity.
So this is why this little piece is so special to me.....
 I'd like to think that it would not look out of place on the deck of Serenity LOL
The covers are made from Tando Creative's media boards painted with layers of DecoArt Traditions. The embellished "Metal" strip is the result of fun with paper, Gems UTEE and paint and gilding waxes.... And those lovely art Deco style tabs are actually from a belt.....
There are only two "pages" inside, this being the first, but I have managed to pop a couple of pop out bits to add fun.
 The back cover is similar to the front.
 This is the first page open. The base pages are painted in Traditions and I've used my Fantasy 2 Stamp set from The Artistic Stamper to add detail
 The pop out bit has been stamped with the same stamp and heat embossed with a lovely iridescent powder.
 The second page is similar. The faux metal strip on the right side has only been glued top and tail so I can slip something in later and I am still working on ideas to add more to the pop out areas too.

 It was just great to potter and play without having to think. It's good for the creative soul.
 It's a fun, somewhat quirky piece, sort of steampunk, sort of fantasy........
I just love these tiny cogs, and a scrap piece from Tim's on the edge iron gate die made it on there too.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed taking a look at this.

I will say, I have found this year to be a funny old year, there's been lots going on that has sometimes felt almost overwhelming. I made a conscious decision to step back a bit from a number of things that were going on to regroup, focus and really consider what it is I want to do creatively which I must say has helped me enormously. I do think that sometimes we can get so involved and "busy" that we mislay our own creative muse and spark and end up trying to change what we do to please someone else which is never a good thing for your creativity.
If I have learned something this year, it is this; I need to create the things that I am passionate about. That is the only way to feed the creative muse and fulfil the need in me to express myself  as an artist.
Sjoe, I told you it was a deep meaningful conversation post tonight. Thank you for bearing with me (unless of course you've already left the room and I'm sitting here alone in the dark....)


  1. Well..i understand....and i agree. I'm mostly knocked out ( like this time), when you come up with a *you!* creation. I always love your faux metal male constructions. Oh..and your flowers have a special Neil *touch*, too. (:o)

  2. I agree whole heartedly that it is important to be true to yourself. We can so easily get lost or wander off track, so I'm glad you found time to refocus and to be playful. That's a good way to remind yourself what you love and want to do. Great pages by the way!!

  3. This is a fabulous project and what a thrill to create something simply for the "creating" sometimes we all need this. Your project turned out so cool!!

  4. Continued excellence. Welcome back to doing what you love best . Really enjoy looking .

  5. Alone in the dark? never!!! I understand exactly. I still have not got back my real inner muse after a number of years working with a particular brand. It was fun....but...but...I would not take on a similar role.....yes thinking about how to show case something in particular can take far too much thinking time up!!! ROFL
    xoxo Sioux

  6. This amazing piece is triumph over adversity. Good to see you are back and please keep the inspiration coming.

  7. I totally agree with you Neil! Working with someone else's choice of products can be good short term but us crafters do need to be able to 'free' ourselves sometimes. This is a stunning piece and you should be rightly proud of it x

  8. You're not alone, Neil, and I totallly understand you! Same feeling here :-)

    Your book is gorgeous and quite unique!

  9. Love this, amazing metallic effects and the Deco details are fab!

    Glad to hear that you enjoyed making it so much

    Jools x


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