
Wednesday 11 January 2012


Hi there folks;
It's time for the weekly round up of international desks hosted by Julia at Stamping Ground. Now to be honest I was not going to share this week as there is so much going on behind the scenes of my life that are taking much more time than I thought that I'm not getting much time to do some "me" crafting. However, my desk kicked up such a storm and tantrum when I mentioned it that for the sake of peace in the studio I thought I'd better come along and say hello. (If I didn't I'm sure my desk would begin to hide all my essential tools from me!)So here is my place
As usual, here is the overview; and no, I didn't climb on a chair; it's a small shed so I just need to lift my hands slightly...) What's lurking there today?
On the left are a couple of the containers I use to store my stamps and now my masks too. I love these but I had not seen them around for ages (well, not the cheap ones anyway) so when I saw them in my local 99p store I grabbed a lot! they are great as you can see the contents at a glance so I keep manufacturers together.
Then, this is for you Julia, after I confused you last week, it's my inka gold, along with some of my other glazes, glues etc.
This also arrived yesterday, the embossing folders from the Inspiration Emporium which were my prize from the 12 tags challenge they had and in which I won a $20.00 gift certificate; postage took up most of it but I am pleased to get these, and along with that came the lovely tag too. Underneath are some small vintage keys I found at a flea market the other day.
Then there's my steampunk box which is SLOWLY getting some colour, but still a long way from finished.
Then, lastly, I got another journal from The Craft Barn as I like the size and price so am just beginning to develop the cover, again there's a bit of work to be done but I have an IDEA! (Peel off's will be involved......)
So there's my place this week, lot's of unfinished stuff, the finished projects are hidden but I'll keep you posted as I finally get these finished. Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day!


  1. OH what a fun the Tag and Vintage Keys.
    Enjoyed the previous Craft Barn creation too. You have lots of creative ideas and always a fun stop. Enjoy WOYWW and have a wonderful week.

  2. Im loving your piccies today your steampunk box coming along lovely can't wait to see end result.I know time just seems to fly by before you know it another week and not much time to craft ,im still looking after the sick!But have done wee bit this week s mojo returned .Have fab wedensday whatever your upto.

  3. can't wait to see your finished steampunk box!

  4. Ww there are always so many great things to look at,the steam punk book, is looking great so far, and I love these storage boxes, but wow 99p...a real bargain!! Happy woyww hugs trace x

  5. Loving seeing the various stages of the Steampunk box...Yip postage is a pest. It often puts me off ordering something on line, especially as we have affirmative shopping in the post office on our end...

  6. I could hardly wait to visit your desk because you are always so good about visiting me. I read on one blogger's post that you always sit to craft. I would love to learn to do that, but for now I must stand. Gotta love anything steam punk.

    Happy WOYWW (#3).

  7. Thought I would pop in and hi ... but oh NO you have the Paper Artsy stamps on show .... I've been trying to resist them.



  8. great post! Love all the pictures of all the goodies on your desk! I have that set of folders and you will love using the woodgrain one. Thank you for the laser cuts, card kits etc that you sent! I have a project planned to use a couple of the laser cuts on. Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Make sometime for getting in your craft room! Vickie #50

  9. Wow you have so much great stuff going on there, how bout I just come and borrow your desk - I wouldn't get in your way! Honest !! LOL

  10. I'm really enjoying watching the steampunk box progress. Your desk looks very interesting and I'm glad it scared you into joining in this week. LOL

  11. Hi there Neil, thanks so much for for the overview, and for sharing all the bits and bobs - yes agree the steampunk is coming on a treat and love the look of the new goodies too! hope all gies well for the rest of your week. Happy WOYWW! love, Shaz in Oz. x #30

  12. fantastic neil, i love the dirtessed grungy look but havent a clue how to do it myself, lovin all those distress inks you have, and an amazing project too,thanks for sharing on woyww,
    hugs sandra (81)

  13. Great desk Neil, thanks for the snoop despite your busy time. I LOVE old keys... always wonder where the doors they opened lead to???
    I have a lots of peel off sheets, some slightly used, that a friend gave me as she had to give up crafting. I've had to sort out her stash to sell for charity but the peel offs are just a " FREE GIVE AWAY" If they're any good to you I'll pop 'em in the post. Just let me know if you can use them.
    JoZarty x

  14. It looks like you climbed way up to take this picture! Lovely space and I love the creation you are working on!

  15. I love your journal idea. I have a few books that I could "cover" - you have planted a little seed in my brain now. Will have to see what I can come up with. Thank you for visiting me today :)
    Celestial Things

  16. So glad you joined in - it wouldn't be the same without you! You always have such fab - and new - stuff going on! Thanks for your visit.

  17. I love your journal idea, and that tag is fantastic I must say I love Sir Timmie's embossing folders, your desk is so inviting Happy Wednesday, Hugs May x x x

  18. I love your tag.
    What an amazingly tidy crafter you are!
    I'm gradually visiting more WOYWW

  19. I always love your desk photos. I may start a collection of them. They just look like art installations to me!

  20. I always love visiting your desk Neil, so much going on and so much inspiration. Love the way your steampunk box is looking and fab tag.
    Cathy xx

  21. I just love the Steam punk box and everything steam punk just can't seem to get me crafty head around it when it comes to doing it.
    Also v jealous of your distress ink collection, I need so many more.
    Hugs Lol xx

  22. Love your steampunk box!!
    Thanks for sharing your desk.
    Happy WOYWW!!
    Hug Marleen ;-) #4

  23. Oh I positively love those keys!

  24. It looks like you have a lot going on for one who is not crafting! I think that you are just too modest! Everything is looking Fabulous! Cannot wait to see how things progress and finish up! Thanks for making the desk and all of us happy by sharing! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda 34

  25. congrats on the win, love the keys, great find!
    Happy WOYWW! Debxx#115/116

  26. A nice bunch of goodies on your desk there. Love those keys and that box looks cool! Show us when you finish it please!!

  27. Hi Neil,
    Great desk, where did you find those keys?.....very, very nice!!!

    Lin #123

  28. I love visiting your desk - there is always something interesting on the go!!

  29. Lots of scrummy arty yumminess going on there! Happy WOYWW from #57! Kim

  30. I love the keys! You're lucky that you don't have to stand on a chair...I practically have to stand on a chair to see the top of my desk!

    Happy WOYWW! Katie #10

  31. I love your desk, always so many goodies to see. That steampunk is going to be so fabulous, can't wait to see it finished.

    I have some plain journals and don't know how to make them up like you do. Do you give tutorials?

    Von #19

  32. I'm seeing how many I can get round this way.then when I have finished I'll come back again, that is if I can STOP reading all the posts first Happy WOYWW

    LOu P

  33. Scary thought if your desk begins to act like Christine! Let's hope it doesn't lock the door on you! Lovely goodies on display as usual, lots of stuff going on and well done on the win.

    Brenda 103

  34. I think it's a great look into your crafty world with lots on the go - looking good - and loving those gears! Thanks for the peek in to your crafty space...Sarah at 6

  35. Thanks Neil...oh a pot of Inca!!! Should've guessed! Glad you listened to your desk, you'd just have had a ridiculous umber of emails asking if you're ok if you went missing without warning! Loving the steam punk box...and that you can take your time to complete it, definitely better than my 'rush in and ruin it' method!

  36. Hope all is well and it is nothing untoward that is keeping you from your desk.
    Love the keys, I have a thing for locks and keys and the steampunk box you are doing is coming along great - love the texture on it (I mean the up and down of the cogs etc).
    Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog - Hugs, Neet xx

  37. Lots of lovely goodies in sight - thanks for the peep at your workspace(Hazel, WOYWW 67) x

  38. I love the look of the steampunk box... I just know its going to be a stunner!! I never realised you were in a shed before!! LOL... have been thinking you were crafting in a very large cupboard all this time!!

  39. So much interesting things on your desk! Love your keys - I must have a look around the flea market in our town! Your steampunk box is coming along great!
    I hope your worries will go away!
    Have a lovely week,

  40. Hi Neil, I LOVE your tag, just gorgeous, and really enjoyed the crafty peek this week. Sorry I'm a day late - life got in the way

  41. Verrry interesting projects you've got goin on there!

  42. Am spending far too much time reading the blogs I'm visiting which is why I'm still visiting WOYWW desks from last week! :)

  43. Am spending far too much time reading the blogs I'm visiting which is why I'm still visiting WOYWW desks from last week! :)


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