
Wednesday 4 January 2012


Good morning folks
The first WOYWW for 2012! (Follow the link to Julia's place to get the lowdown) I don't know about you but I always seem to take a while to get back into routine after the holidays so there's not much on my desk today other than a mess! I've done some stuff but unfortunately you only see the leftovers as the finished articles are for DT projects!
Still here we go.
I told you it was not too exciting! One of the nice things I picked up from the sales after Christmas were a couple of packets of these shiny baubles
Complete with a little hanger and just the right size for crafting so I was pleased with them as they were cheap and tie in with some of the idea-ology baubles.
Then there are new stamps and chipboard keys that I have not got round to playing with yet but hope to get them inked up soon!
So there's my desk today..... ready for action again!
I hope you all have a blessed and creative time this week and that the rest of 2012 is more of the same.


  1. Cant't wait to see what you do with your new goodies, happy woyww, hugs trace , oh and happy new year!

  2. I would have been first in the queue for those baubles, so well done getting them. Have fun with your new goodies and happy new year.
    hugs Joanne #17

  3. Lovely new stamps - and also those older under them!
    Happy 2012!
    Tuire #44

  4. Loving the new stamps those baubles look lush!Thanks so much for the candy sorry not come by earlier re ceived yesterday.But have sick daughter havent had much time to myself.

    Have fab wednesday happy,Healthy,Creative new year to you and your family
    ]hugs and thanks again judex 10

  5. Ohhhh can't wait to see what you do with the baubles (with hanger bit is a real prize) and the stamps look fab. Look forward to another year of great ideas from your desk.

  6. Ooh, keys. Love keys.
    Thanks for sharing your desk, will be patient and wait for the DT pieces to be revealed, and the baubles you bought.
    Thanks for putting a number when you comment, makes life so much easier to return the comment.
    Hugs, Neet #1

  7. Hi there!! Hope you had a fab time over Christmas! I like what you bought in the sales, especially the bling :) You'd better hide those keys from Julia, she has a bit of a thing for them!!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, LLJ #34 xx

  8. Hi Neil, as usual your desk does look ready for crafting ... lovely crystally baubles and those stamps are fab - like the look of the sanctuary one in particular. Look forward to seeing your DT projects in the fullness of time. Thanks for dropping by my blog with a possible maker of the mystery DP - it all helps. All the best, Elizabeth x #60

  9. I can't get back into the groove either - meaning both the day job and the fun bit at home!!! Love the bits and bobs on show today and thanks for stopping by!

  10. Love those stamps on your desk, and the cute baubles they will be so handy for allsorts of projects, can't wait to see what you create. May x x x x x x

  11. Thanks for a peak at your desk - I can't wait to see what the baubles turn into :)

  12. I love stopping by your desk, and having a good old nosey!! Its always full of yummy bits!


    Lou WOYWW

  13. Great creative space. Love those baubles, and fab stamp sets, looking forward to seeing your makes. Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  14. Great looking desk as always :) thanks for sharing and happy new year :)

  15. Great looking desk as always :) thanks for sharing and happy new year :)

  16. Love those little baubles! very bling! like the look of that Union Jack stamp too. Wonder what creations you have been making! Some new goodies too, have fun with those! x

  17. Hi Neil
    That looks a busy desk. Just popped by to wish you a Happy New Year and thanks for all your work for TioT. Looking forward to seeing you both in March
    x Michelle

  18. Ooh, I've got some of those baubles as well. Got them last year for my Christmas tree and they didn't look right so they went to the back of the drawer - now I know what I can do with them, and it involves alcohol inks. Great stamp sheet as well.
    Ann B

  19. You have reminded me that somewhere(that is a really big place in our house) I have a pack of those acrylic ornaments- now I have to go find them. Happy new Year, Shaz x

  20. Ooh, fun new stamps. We definitely can see actual desk this time. It looks like a fun place to play.

    I too, have a hard time deciding what to do next after the holidays. Usually I putter about accomplishing nothing and then whoops, it is time to go back to work.

  21. Like the key stamps. Let's get the mojo flowing!!

    WOYWW #92

  22. Lots of great stash and my kind of messy craft space, loving your work.
    Hop over to my space and see my bottle

  23. With only Hobbycraft to stalk my crafting sales shopping reaches a big fat zero.I did get some nice spray inks for Christmas though :) Happy New Year.

  24. Those baubles look great - you could make a chandelier! No crafty sales around here, apart from tired looking Christmas tat in Hobbycraft

  25. You're quite a shopper you know Neil, always find some bargains. Wonder if you could colour those little baubles with inks or Copics or something? I think I'm doing some knitting because I can't decide what to do at the moment up in my room!

    Brenda 76

  26. Some lovley new stamps there. I have a new set of Paperartsy stamps too and they are desperate to be set free! Gotta finish my Christmas album first!

  27. ooh a nice and crafty desk there...and love the bargain crystals-a great idea.

    Thanks for sharing
    Kyla #21

  28. Looks like we are destined to be "trains in the night"!!! Glad you enjoyed Warhol... a good end to 2011 for me. I really love the de la warr building.
    We visited DD and grandees in Brighton then went to her "outlaws" in Northiam near Rye and they drove us to Bexhill knowing my artistic interests. Sadly it just left them cold!
    Take a peek at Jump Start (link on my post) as I'm sure it will interest you.
    Best Wishes for a creative 2012!
    JoZarty x

  29. Those baubles were a great find - love the look of the stamps too - have fun (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

  30. Nice new stamps Neil! Thanks for your comment on my blog, and a happy new year to you too. Sheba, my new Black Cat Cougar, has been a bit neglected these past couple of days because too exhausted to get off my bum, so I've been doing some video creating instead!

    Happy WOYWW, Shoshi

  31. That looks like a very tidy mess compared to my.....tip I will call it, lol. Love those baubles and you got loads too. Lee x

  32. Alright Neil, the baubles are delicious, but I can't make out what the round tin (?) with the yellow label is...and you know how nosey I am!!
    Happy Nerw Year to you Neil, security health and peace I wish you.

  33. I can't wait to see what you do with those baubles!

    Katie #81

  34. Ooooh, PaperArtsy stamps and baubles! I can't wait to see what will come of these!
    Happy 2012!
    xoxo Karen

  35. Hi there I will be very interested in what ou do with the baubles. Wishing you a Happy and Creative 2012. Anne x

  36. You have lots of new things to use, love the sparkly baubles.
    Von #18

  37. Thanks for the peek, lovely baubles! Happy New Year and Happy WYOWW!

  38. Hi there Neil, love the new stamps there Neil adn am sure you will have great fun with them as well as the clear beady things you have acquired in your stash - how it frustrates me when I buy such things then want to use them and cant remember the clever place where I put them! thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing. Happy WOYWW! Love, Shaz in Oz. x #24

  39. happy new year, Neil! your desk always looks exciting to me! those new stamps are gorgeous. thanks for sharing! hugs,
    peggy aplSEEDS

  40. Fab goodies on your desk - Happy New Year to you too!

    Thanks for stopping by.....

  41. Playing catch the items you always have to show us. Like the new stamps, kinda springy, birds in the tall grasses. Kinda springy feeling here in the 50's and a wonderful way to start the new winter in Iowa ...simply wonderful.


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