
Wednesday 14 December 2011

WOYWW #132

Good morning everyone
Pitch black outside still and I can't quite believe I'm up THIS early but after the cat decided to wake me up properly I thought I may as well nip out to my studio and pop the light on and tidy up a bit and take a photo.... only to discover that yesterday while I was at work the builders had disconnected the power supply to my place. Not good at all!
So, I warn you now; the photo's you are about to see are none to pretty! UN-edited, UN-sanitized; here is my space; in the dark and gloom of this December morn....
I blame Tim of course; he got me doing the tags this year which was fatally addictive so my desk is a creative war zone! And taking a picture in the dark with a flash makes it look worse.
So there are inks, my favourite seasonal stamp plate; joyful song, some sparkly tinselly stuff peeking out at the bottom and on the right is some cut lace from the vintage lace die which is an amazing die.
The back shelf is a little less messy (Unless you look closely!)
Still, I forgive Tim for this mess because on the twelf day of tags Tim pulled my comment from the few thousands and I join the lucky people who get a gift from him! Yay! So; why am I showing you my desk this dark and gloomy morn? All because 132 weeks ago, Julia over at Stamping Ground, thought it might be fun...
Perhaps I'll see you there?
Today I need to get power back to my place down there as it's too dark to work but the deadlines don't understand that excuse! I also want to remind you about my follower celebration giveaway - all the details are HERE and it closes on Christmas Eve.
Hope you all have a wonderful and creative day today.


  1. Your craft space always looks so interesting so we forgive the mess... no lekkie eh? Must make it chilly as well as dark!! Good for you on winning a gift from Sir Tim!!

  2. Wow what creative desk!Congratulations on your winning the Tim Holtz 12th tag prizes .Gosh you will have to show and tell when it arrives .Apparently they are lush!I managed my 12 tags daily but didnt the days go fast!but enjoyable and inspiring
    Have fab ednesday hope power resumes asap
    judex 10

  3. congratulations on your win! wow, taking a picture in the dark for WOYWW! lots of interesting stuff to see, that;s for sure. happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  4. I saw you had won one of Tim's prizes. Congrats. I followed along, but didn't make any tags, since I didn't have anything to play with. Sure enjoyed it, though.

    Last week I showed what I do with some of my blocks I make, but I didn't have time to stop by before my internet went down for four days. Happy WOYWW from # 5.

  5. It was so nice to see a name I know winning on Tim's blog! Congrats to you, dying to see what you get... Your desk looks like mine, only I am prepping for 20 of each 12 tags cos I am teaching them in Johannesburg on Saturday!

  6. Well done on winning on Tims blog!wow, your desk looks fab and so unlike mine at the moment, not doing woyww this week as nothing to show, lucy still poorly, happy woyww, fab visit as always trace x

  7. I do not think anyone works as hard as you may have a desk neat and clean, it goes against every principle of creativity. Besides, for a large space when often we settle for a small site to develop the works? LOL Congrats for Tim´s

  8. I see the push to the side technique in action! Well done on the win, that'll be something to look forward to
    In the new year!

  9. Hope you have your thermals on Neil (no electric). Love the busy desk and thanks for including your number - makes it so much easier to link.
    Hugs, Neet #6

  10. NIce to see your desk looking so creatively productive... congrats on the win and hope you publish what you receive so we can all be jealous!!!

  11. Congrats on winning a TH prize! I love the look of your desk but why on earth would they disconnect your electricity! I have an attitude cause around here it seems if anything can go wrong it the roofer fell into the kitchen and broke my skylight! Love it now that it is finished but...trials and tribulations of renovations! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week and Happy Holidays! Vickie #35

  12. I saw your name yesterday - well done you! Amongst so many comments that is not easy... Love your (messy) space today - looks very inviting, if dark! Hope you get the power sorted. Happy WOYWW, Helen 3 (although you've already visited!)

  13. Congrats on winning a prize! Love that camel stamp on your desk.
    Have a nice week!
    Tuire #37

  14. morning neil...thanks for the snoop into your messy creative space...lots going on your workdesk..hugs kath xxx

  15. Yes, it's a mess but boy, have you got some fun things going on! Hope your electrics are fixed pronto. You must be getting excited that your daughter's coming back home after her first term at Uni. My son's heading home on Fri - yay!!
    Hugs, LLJ '34 xx

  16. Desk like a war zone? I can relate to that, still looks great though.
    Congratulations on your Tim win, hope you 'share' your gift with us when it arrives.
    Ann B

  17. Congratulations on your Tim Tags and your space looks normal like ours lol
    Bridget #24

  18. Love the creativeness - have a good week :)

  19. Congrats on getting the comment on Tims blog hope you get some nice goddies!!

  20. I think you must have used the same camera as Hels, Neil!!! Your desk is full on, mate but you create such good stuff, you are allowed!!Congrats on your win with Tim

  21. Wow, thats some truly creative space! Well done for getting your name drawn by Tim, I have been following Mario BTS and the parcels he sends out look really jealous!!

    kyla #61

  22. Congrats on winning a Mr. T!m prize!!! You'll have to show it off when it arrives! Your desk looks like lots of fun!

  23. I'll add my congrats to everyone elses, Neil! I even said outloud, "Oh, Neil won! How cool!" Please share what you get. My desk looks like yours! I think I'm gonna take the bits and pieces of what I didn't use and make one final tag!

  24. ohoo lucky you a 'Tim' gift! no, your battle field/war tone looks great to me! Thanks for my snoop. Have a great crafty week! HaPPy WOyWw!
    ((Lyn)) #40

  25. It's nice to know you get messy too !! I loved Tim's 12 tags, Congrats on winning, I too won (the 3rd day) I just didn't have time to participate (a very busy time of the year with company coming THIS week.
    Dark, gloom and LOTS of RAIN here. But we desperately need it so cannot complain.
    Enjoy WOYWW and preparing for the season. Thanks for sharing

  26. Busy desk this week!!
    Have a great creative Wednesday!!

    Hugs Marleen #12

  27. Know the feeling. Our BT line/internet went down yesterdy and they have spent all morning fixing it so have only just been able to link up to Julia's blog. Have been following Tim's tag on his blog and seeing what several other bloggers have come up with. Mrs A.

  28. Looks pretty Healthy to me Neil !
    I have only got through two tags so far but getting there :0))
    Saw you had been picked well done you !

  29. i saw your name had been drawn and smiled :) show us what you get!
    xoxo Sioux

  30. Congrats on winning a Timmie prize, I have'nt finished mine yet oops!!, happy Weds, Hugs May x x x x x

  31. Oh my. Is this the same Neil who had all his tags precut and everything organized a couple of weeks ago? I must have the wrong blog :D

    Happy Woyww #1 (Yaya!!)

    P.S. Congrats on the win!

  32. Congratulations on being a winner! And I hope the sun comes out soon for you.

  33. Brrr hope the powers up soon! Awesome that you were one of the winners and your shelf looks wonderfully organized with your stamps and your distress inks!

  34. Like the contrast between the creative mess and the tidy ( I think they are!) shelves behind. And congrats on the Sir Tim goodies, bet they will be fab!

    Happy woyww Debs #89

  35. ha, mine was worse, in the later stages of tag making I had my pot of hot UTEE balanced, yes, balanced, on an upturned (downturned?) bin, as I had run out of desk space floor space, shelf space, I had tags drying all round the blimin room!!!!


  36. Congrats on the win. Hope you are powered up again. We are waiting for the boiler repair man to return. Been without since Mon - might be done by Friday!!!

  37. A very busy desk you have. I hope you get the power fixed quickly. Elaine

  38. A truly crafy mess, I love it! Well done for for win. Hope you get your power back quickly, no heat yuck!

  39. Hi Neil, so normally you tidy up before you take a WOYWW photograph and we don't get to see the terrible truth :)) Do you think Timmy clears up as he goes along ... I don't think so ... his desk probably looks pretty much like yours. Hope you got your electricity sorted out and you get those deadlines met. Elizabeth #66

  40. now thats what i call a mess desk. . . fab and very creative. happy woyww
    janet #32

  41. Congrats on being a TH winner. Your desk is a true reflection of the 12 days of madness.

  42. Ohhhh lucky you getting a prize from Tim, Im sure you will love it. Im afraid my desk pretty much looks like yours all the time! I think I need a house never mind a bigger room for all my stuff! Lee x

  43. Very creative desk and Congratulations on getting a prize from Tim!

  44. No power in the crafting room would make me sad. I ran around in circles once when the ceiling light in my space broke. I love your creative chaos, remind me of home.

  45. Your desk looks fabulous, so many things to use. Congratulations on being picked by Tim.
    Have a great Christmas.

  46. It may be messy, Neil, but it's a productive mess! Well done getting a prize from Tim.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm feeling much better now although my throat's still not right - this bug certainly does hang around. My hubby's gone down with another bout of it and is pretty well voiceless tonight, but hopefully will be OK tomorrow - we're driving up to Staffs for my uncle's funeral and will be back on Sat.

    Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #58

  47. Lots of goodies in your workspace. Well done , winning a Tim prize.


  48. An impressive desk! I wish I had the space to keep all my things out like that. :)

  49. Congratulations on the win!!! How very cool to be chosen from so many! I'm finally wrapping up my visits to the WOYWW 132 posts. Your workspace looks amazing - despite having to take photos in the dark with the flash! I love all the clear shelves with an abundance of goodies on them!

    Happy WOYWW #81


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!