
Wednesday 9 November 2011


Hi there; I woke up this morning and was utterly amazed to discover that it is Wednesday AGAIN! So come on; 'fess up; who stole the last 3 days from me?
Time and tide wait for no man tis true and it seems the weeks are following suit........ Still, no point in waffling further is it so lets visit Julia and get stuck into "What's on your Workdesk Wednesday" Your weekly fix of creative spaces around the globe.
Here is mine
On the left are a couple  of new bits; the new festive strip die which has some lovely versatile bits making it good for all year. Embossing folders and then these lovely glass test tubes which are from vanilla pods (I'm making some vanilla extract but it will only be ready in January!)
In the middle is this journal/ book. I did the cover a while ago and inspiration has struck again so I'll be working on it again. I just love all the textures on the cover made with beads, old watch parts and loads of gesso and inks and texture paints.

 On the right you should see my new distress inks; yes, I got my paws on the winter set. I have not had time to really play with the colours but I do like them very much. Peeking out is a bird hanging I'm working on too.
So, busy busy again, I've been finishing off some other bits too getting stuff ready for the craft fair at the end of the month as well as trying to work on decorating one of the bedrooms too. I'll be tackling a wardrobe with distress techniques so that should be interesting! I'll keep you posted.
I hope you all have a brilliant day.


  1. OH your desk takes my breath away!! Love the new die, it's on my list with the Season D. Inks. Will be great to go on a shopping trip, my list is long!! Vailla tubes, extract..why stop there, I usually do Kahlua and the beans have taken a price jump here.. Your bead creation is a wonderful design..and a wardrobe, Wow you got it all.
    Have a great WOYWW and thanks for sharing

  2. Beautiful journal cover and as usual lots of interesting things on your busy desk. Inspiring!
    JoZarty x

  3. Oh Neil - you have so inspired me to carry on with my book cover which is all textural (or going to be when it is finished). I love yours! Making vanilla extract - tell me more - sounds a bit scientific to me. Hugs and Thanks, Neet #11

  4. I'm sure there are only Wednesdays in each week, they come round so fast!!!
    Your desk looks amazing, Neil, so full of creativity.
    I'll be interested to see what you do with the new distress inks.
    Vanilla Extract!!!! Is there no end to your talent.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #74

  5. How fabulous is that textured book cover. Love old watch parts! And I'm going to try that peel off technique too. Thanks for sharing it! And for visiting my blog.

  6. Love that journalcover! Your desk looks fanstastic, so much fun to see :)
    Have a great day!

    MsPlum #77

  7. You book cover is fab, i lovel looking at your creations , happy WOYWW, and happy crafting

  8. That book cover is amazing! Love all the different textures on that! I really must have a try at something like that!

    Thanks for sharing,

    Happy WOYWW

    Jackie x

  9. Your book cover is gorgeous - such as the bottle last week (I was too busy to leave a comment, sorry!)
    Someone´s obviously stealing days, weeks, months... I´m, too, missing quite a lot this year!
    Have a nice and creative week!

  10. The cover is amazing, wow is all I can say, fab..happy woyww trace x

  11. OMGoodness what FaBuLoUs work!!!! The cover of your book is just stunning and your work is truly inspirational. Well done you. Debbie (BetteK #62)

  12. Oooh Neil, gorgeous gorgeous grungey texture on that journal cover! I could EAT it!!!!! thanks for your comment on my blog - I mop up inks because I'm so mean and hate waste lol!! They make lovely useful backgrounds though.

    Loving your work as always. I agree Wednesdays come round much too fast for comfort - I've now idea where 2011 has gone... Have a great WOYWW.

  13. Thanks for your visit to my desk in SA! That journal looks fantastic. Don't you hate it when you get new stash and there is no time to play with it? See you next Wednesday!

  14. Oh Neil. I have been lusting after that die. It does look sooo lush! Loving your book too.
    Thanks for your visit.
    Hettie 25

  15. Absolutely incredible! Love the test tubes (must look out for those!) and the book is just fab - such amazing texture. Thanks for stopping by.

  16. I agree Wednesdays come round way too fast - you have lots of yummy craftyness on your desk so lovely for the eyes to look at - bet you have lots of fun creating here - thanks for sharing


  17. Wednesday has caught me out too and then internet connection chucked me out last night so thats my story for being missing this week. My lovely package of ribbons arrived this morning. Thank you so much for pulling my name from the hat. I'm now itching to create something with it. Mrs A.

  18. Well, as you can imagine I love that festive strip die! Awesome! Cool journal too Neil! Thanks for visiting and have a great week, hopefully no one steals any days from this one LOL

  19. You only lost three days? What happened to the 7 I lost since last Wednesday. I know time flies but this week it has been positively hurricane weather. You journal cover is fabulous, just the sort of thing I would like to do on mine - haven't started yet. Thanks for the inspiration

  20. WOW. That's a very busy work-space. I just love the journal cover. Hope you get to make something special to go inside it. Kate x

  21. Wow - there's loads to see on that journal cover, you've packed a lot on there! The more you look, the more you see... :)
    Hugs, LLJ #42 xx

  22. Love your journal cover absolutely stunning!I have got that die and yes so versitile for many a season.Have fab wednesday

  23. There is so much wonderful art here!

  24. Thanks for the visit, I love the new Distress colours too. Your artwork is fantastic, always inspiring! Have a great week, Shaz

  25. WOW, lots of great goings on your workspace. Have fun at the craft fair.

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW.

    xoxo Marjo

  26. greta interestin desk love the texture on the book cover. has everyone in the world got the new inks . . . except me must try harder, off to get them now!
    thanks for sharing

  27. That book cover is out of this world crazy beautiful.... love it so much and looks as though you have quite a bit of play ahead of you xx

  28. I know!! someone stole the whole week from me! love all yur crafty things that book cover is just amazing!! 'time' to hunt out all those old watches, boundto find a few in my attic!! Have a great week, Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))) #66

  29. Wow you totally amaze me~Tim Holtz #2 you are lol. I couldn't find a follow me email link to sign up for your updates sniff sniff. Thanks for visitng my WOYWW mess
    Bridget #29

  30. That journal cover is incredible and thanks for your warm welcome.

  31. yup, if you find out who stole the three days, let me know! love that die and watch parts are always so interesting. thanks for sharing! happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  32. Ew I just love what I'm seeing there!

  33. I think that your desk has to be one of my all-time favourites... it's always so full of great 'stuff'. Love the new TH die... I've only just managed to get hold of the "Autumn Gatherings" one (which I LOVE!).
    Have a fantastic WOYWW!

  34. I've had a really good nosey at your book cover. It's so interesting with all the highs and lows, bits and bobs. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  35. Okay, now that looks nothing less than amazing! Wow!

  36. I see you are a big fan of Tim too. It looks like you are always busy. Thanks for taking the time to pop by my blog. S #80

  37. That book is amazing. I started one years ago and have made several pages but have been stuck for inspiration for the outside. You may have just inspired me. Thank you!

  38. Had a lovely snoop of your blog this morning...thanks for popping in to say hello. You have lots of things going fave being the gorgeous sticker leaf tag! Enjoyed to pics of your visit with your daughter. The pic of that red leaf tree is gorgeous!

  39. Hi, I enjoyed having a work desk nosey, your cover has so much brilliance and texture, I was given some broken watches and was able to use some bits they are not as good as your old ones. I liked your peel off idea from a previous post, I have some of these and will have to give it a go. Laura

  40. Lots of interesting goodies and crafting in your workspace - enjoyed having a nosey (Hazel WOYWW #89) x

  41. That is one book cover. I see lots in it. Will it ever be finished? Happy belated WOYWW from #4.

  42. Lovely new goodies Neil, that die is so pretty. We make vanilla extract too, and vanilla sugar also, lovely to have your own home made things to use. That book cover is astounding! So beautiful and so much detail, just great! Have a wonderful weekend.

    Brenda 88

  43. Fab desk as always Neil! I have a box full of watch parts and bits and pieces that I rummage through every so often, but I hadn't thought of doing that with them! And that flourish die is gorgeous - sigh - no spare pennies again this month, by the look of it! Especially as I, like you, have treated myself to the winter inks....

    Thanks for stopping by!

  44. Hi Neil - so good of you to take the trouble to hop by. I now have serious desk envy - so many gorgeous creations going on! Vanilla extract - have you tried putting a vanilla pod into a big screw top jar full of castor sugar? Leave it for just a few weeks and hey presto, vanilla sugar..... perfect for baking! You now have another follower too :) Di x

  45. I'm so impressed that you make your own vanilla extract!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  46. That cover is beyond description ...I keep looking at it in wonder ....WOW

  47. I'm late! And because of that, I can brag that I too have that die, and I've used it and I bought it because I thought it would be useful year round! You're redecorating and still have craft plans... You are one brave man!!

  48. Great looking desk this week. Love the bits and pieces and your journal/book is awesome. Sorry I am so late getting around but DH left for China Saturday and I had to spend the past week getting him ready to go. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #56

  49. lovely desk and fabulous journal cover

  50. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing what the bird turns out like.


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