
Wednesday 23 November 2011

WOYWW 129.

Good morning folks
Wednesday is hear yet again; travelling faster than the speed of light at the moment! I even saw the first Christmas tree up in someone's home the other day........ I feel a mince pie moment coming .....

Anyway back to my desk. I took these photo's yesterday because I knew I would not get chance to get in there last night after work.
So, here's the overview; do you like the cushion, I found it again the other day and decided it would be much better here. My Mom painted it and it was in my daughter's room on the bed for ages.
You'll see I've moved my DI back down as they were irritating me being higher as I then had to stand up every 5 seconds.
On the left is this little bird hanging which I'm trying to get finished; I thought it would be quick but Mr Mojo let me down a bit!
In the middle is this necklace from a charity shop and a box which I'm going to alter with bit's of the necklace. (And yes, the Turkish delight WAS delicious!)
Above that were some of the post it note pads done for the Craft Fair.
Lastly, I added this rack to the back of the door which I think works pretty well; after all, why waste space!
Other than that I've been working on the room, still loads to do but here's a few details if you are interested.
I rag rolled the walls which turned out well I think; the picture is one my daughter did which I really love and the metal "follow your dreams" we found in a tiny shop in Rottingdean.

So, there's my desk; all waiting for me to wake up enough to go out there; but I think I'll stay and visit you lot for a while first!
All desks can be found at Julia's place so do come join in the fun!
Just a quick little edit, my final calender page is on The Craft Barn blog today, hear is a peek but all the rest of the pics are there too with all the details so why don't you pop on over there too and say hi?


  1. Gosh, what a lot going on!love Those notebooks, really fab, can't wait to see what you do with the distress inks are usualy in towers on my desk, making my workspace smaller and smaller!!!!till I get fed up, put them all away only to ferret them out again! Happy woyww hugs trace x(30)

  2. I don't see turkish delight here... which is a shame as I love them and would be even more thrilled if they came in lovely wooden boxes as your were!! Your room is looking fabulous, you have been busy!! Annette #11

  3. Oooh busy post there! hope the mojo returns soon for those birdies and I love your post it notes - lol about the distress inks I have to have mine to hand too! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 19

  4. Your ickle kingdom is fabulous these days Neil... you have so much squished into a small space but it is all so beautifully fitted in and tidy... happy week

  5. Wow fab desk and creations as always .Love your note books .Hope the sale goes well im sure you will sell loads.As for the sign follow your dreams that is stunning love the rag rolled walls.
    Have fab wednesday pop by as i have candy up for grabs hugs judex 18

  6. Wow Neil lots of creative things going on here! Your workroom is super organised I think I need to borrow you to come and sort mine out! Love those post it note holders - good luck with your fair! Susan x

  7. Love your well organized working space! That rack on the door is something I need...!
    Lovely birdie-cushion :)
    Have a nice week!
    Tuire #52

  8. You are always so creative, I love stopping by here... the rack on the door is a great space saver. No 8

  9. I do like 'proper' turkish delight so that box would have emptied pretty quickly at my house. Love all the stuff on your desk Neil - such a busy bee - and that metal sign o nthe wall is beautiful.
    Ann B

  10. The bedroom is amazing helped by a very talented daughter I see. Love your craft space. Very neat for a bloke I might add. Perhaps you could answer me this, how come men keep their little dens tidy but leave a mess all the house????LOL
    Hugs Joanne xx

  11. thanks for the crafty snoop neil...wowzers..I could spend all day oogling your crafty space...happy woyww..hugs kath xxx

  12. You have been busy the rag rolled walls look beautiful. I am so glad you had time to eat the turkish delight and the box is a bonus. Cant wait to see what you do to it.

  13. Your rag rolling looks stunning!
    Fab room.
    xoxo Sioux

  14. Thanks for dropping by ...your space is amazing ...crafty and other wise . it sounds as though you have a talented family, artwise. I love everything you create and I would kill for one of those racks ...a brilliant use of space. xx

  15. Stunning looking room...very tranquil... your work space looks busy as always.. what I would give for a couple of hours of nosyness actually in the room

  16. I’m surprised that your Mojo every takes a break Neil when you have a craft space like yours. I’m sure there must be something in there that will spark the flame so you can give that box a makeover.

    I’ve enjoyed my nosy around this morning and thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a message.

    Happy Crafting!
    Sue (#27)

  17. WOW a lot going on in your craft space. I am like you with the DI! I have to have them close cause I use them so much getting up each time to find the right pad drives me nuts. Love the room renovation. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #64

  18. WOW one busy man...with lots of ambition, all in the right direction too!!!! You'll love the over the door rack, and I love your rag rolling, I could use your talents right here in my house.
    Great photos, have fun with all your creative ideas, love the simple little stamped DECEMBER too. Enjoy.

  19. I think it's fascinating seeing the bits and pieces you start with, and then seeing the end product! I'm sure you're going to come up with a winner again for that box! The rack behind the door is ingenuous! Patsy from

  20. Wow, your space is so organised! Love the note pads and the cushion is so sweet. Have a lovely day. :)

  21. One very talented daughter there - is she thinking of entering the animation industry? Great stuff on your desk this week, including the empty Hotel Chocolat Turkish Delight box. Of course it was delicious - I've not known them do anything yucky yet!
    Thanks for the Ofsted sympathy - it's hard being a couple where one is a teacher, but I'm a frustrated teacher myself (had to quit the course due to ill health) so I get to live it ouit vicariously! Thanks for stopping by. Morti #22

  22. Wow Neil such a variety here today, thank you! That pillow is great and I love those note pads especially the one with the pelican and birds. Brings back years of memories at the beach with my family. Super idea, that rack on the door - very clever! Your daughters picture is just lovely too! I'm curious to see how the Turkish Delight box turns out I do hope you share it with us. Thanks for the peek and have a super week!

  23. I love your space! And the pictures of the bedroom are lovely! Happy WOYWW!

  24. Ah... Turkish Delight! One thing I enjoy about Christmas is that my mum always gives me a box. Never a box like that, though, that I can upcycle afterwards!! Perhaps I should drop some weighty hints. The decorating is gorgeous - well done! And I adore that cushion... I've recently relocated my DIs too because I got fed up having to stand up and reach for them all the time! Thanks for the comment on my blog, Neil. I must be feeling a bit better because I'm actually wanting to get in my ATHaven today! I may even make it after Mr. Tesco brings my groceries. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #70

  25. Forget the desk...I'm drooling over those rag rolled walls. H.E.A.V.E.N.

  26. Lovely festive ideas today, but the thing that grabbed my attention was the Turkish Delight. The proper stuff, I hope, not the disgusterous pink jelly effort of Fry's fame - bleurgh. Proper Turkish Delight is lush :)
    Hugs, LLJ #39 xx

  27. Your space is always so organised ... and turkish delight, now I have a soft spot for that!! Love the room, its beautiful.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx #3

  28. Where is our piece of Turkish Delight then?
    I have dining room in the middle of decorating - would you like to come over and finish it off for us? I will make you some brownies!! Love that cushion too!!

  29. What a great desk with some wonderful stash, I also love turkish delight, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the necklace and the door is a great hanging space. Have a great Wednesday. Laura

  30. Your workspace is coming on a treat Neil. love that bright cushion, especially against the serenity of the walls and that comfy chair... and then bam!, there's that eye poppin cushion! Mmm, Turkish Delight, love that stuff!

    Brenda 82

  31. Love the neutral colour of your room - so peaceful and perfect for creating in. Great desk - lovely notebooks.
    Thanks for sharing your desk and everything with us. Hugs, Neet #12

  32. every time I stop by you freak me out with how much you get done and how neat and organised everything is... those notebooks are just lovely.xx

  33. Those post-it note pads are lovely and I'm a sucker for new storage ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  34. Really, really love that bird pillow (mainly because I am a bird freak) and anyone who loves turkish delight is a friend of mine. That room is so good, must have taken ages to do.

  35. Fabulous look at your space! Love the pillow on the chair! LOL! The place is looking really tidy, and I am sure that your new finds will turn out fabulous! Thanks for sharing your WOYWW! -Amanda#7

  36. That bird cushion design is part of a set that I have in my studio. They are so funky! Always painted in bright colours...your rag rolled walls look fab and your desk very busy. Hope Mr Mojo wings his way back soon!

  37. Wow! Busy busy! I'm loving the rack on the door. It's great to meet you and peek into your creative space. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog earlier too.

  38. Oh wow - so much going on! I think the cushion and the rag rolled walls have to be my favourites, but then there's the box you're going to alter, the storage.....err, Happy WOYWW Neil!!! Di x

  39. What a fab workspace you have and the room you're doing looks so lovely. I bet you're really thrilled with the results.
    A x

  40. You have to try things on for use-ability and locations of certain things are really important's taken me ages to find the right place for some of my stuff...ideally of course, it would all just be out and in front of me!! Your bedroom looks wonderful. Please please tell me that beautiful rose is a brilliant fake?!

  41. Wow lots to see this week!! the room is lovely!!! love that necklace that you are going to use to alter the box - can't wait to see the result of that! x

  42. Your workdesk looks great, lots of creativity going on - look forward to seeing the Turkish Delight box transformed! Your decorated room looks great too.

    Thanks for already coming to see my desk this week:)

  43. Neil you are the handicrafty man extrodinaire - the walls look really great. Well done on getting so much done - and finished... Love your arty space and that rack is a fab idea and spacesaver!
    Thanks for sharing a little of your life and desk! Sarah at 14

  44. Your room looks fab - when I saw the beads and turkish delight I thought of belly dancers - don't ask me why - lol!

  45. The dolls house has moved!!! Like the peek of the last calendar page. I'm stuck on November as I don'thave any bare branch stamps. Think I will just have to improvise a bit. Mrs A.

  46. Oooh what a creative person you are, lots going on on your desk too.Thanks for the peek, I also love turkish delight :O) Viv x#86

  47. thanks for visiting my desk Neil, and it is so true - reorganisations of desk space just serve to remind you exactly WHY we keep certain things within reach!


  48. Oh I do love those note pads, what a neat idea!
    Thanks for popping over

    Happy WOYWW
    Lou #41

  49. Hi there. You have a lot of things going on and I am very impressed with your work. The room is delightful and I love calendar page. Thankyo for visiting my crafting space. Anne x

  50. Fabulous snoop today,lovethe door hanger, I have something on the back of my door, but it's not worth a picture. (rubbish really! and your 'December' has given me an idea...Have a great week! HaPPy WoYWw!

  51. Hi Neil
    thanks for passing by afraid I am dropping in on peeps a bit late this week !
    wow love the necklace a lot of scope there .
    I have had to move my DI's too had to keep standing on a chair to get mine
    How stupid is that when its the most used item LOL.
    Have a nice week

  52. So many lovely things to look at here, Neil. I thought you'd popped out to a shop when I saw that rack on the back of your door. It looks brilliant.
    It's so difficult to get all your stash in the right place so you are not forever getting up and down isn't it, still I always think it's good exercise!!!
    That cushion is gorgeous!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #84

  53. WOW such creativity
    Thanks for popping over to my desk Neil

    See you again
    mandi x

  54. Those notepads are amazing and the bird hanging is shaping up well. Your crafty space looks very cosy, thanks for sharing it with us nosy folk.


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