
Wednesday 2 November 2011


Hi there everyone.
Wednesday has trundled its way round yet again so it's off to Julia's we go to share in the fun of desk hopping.
Here's mine
There's not too much going on at the moment; some stamps and inks from yesterday's work on some class samples. Flourishes die cut with Bradley from mountboard; and as promised, my altered bottle no 2.
Behind you can see my ageing mix bottle complete with mr bones (I'll have to find somewhere to put him as he'll give me the creeps if I stare at him all the time!
Here are some better pictures of the bottle

It is smaller than the first one I did and very different too but I did have fun with it. The feathers are from my old home in South Africa so are very special to me.
Also this week I received a surprise in the post from Shaz in Oz who sent me this beautiful bookmark that she had illuminated. As well as some lovely goodies and this gorgeous card, aren't they lovely? So thanks a million Shaz; it was a lovely blessing and the bookmark will be going in my bible so thank you.

Thank you to all those who left such lovely comments last week and asked to be entered into the draw to get some ribbon; I'm sorry that I can't send to everyone but here are the names of the lucky 5; please email me your address so I can post it out to you. (email details are on the sidebar)
Mrs A
Right, I have a date with the kitchen so I'd best be off. I'm making rum truffles so this should be fun as I have not made them for years!
Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone.


  1. Hi there Neil - ah do so love the altered bottle and you have been having fun with it - love the feathers too and can understand you being sentimental about them! and guess what? I have made a friend from going over last week to see your work at the Craft barn - Ann and I have become good buddies in a week, she knows folk in Oz who I know, etc... small world huh? Coincidences are gods way of remaining anonymous.
    And so glad your wee parcel made its way over you to UK safely - after my adventure with the 4 metre black snake on the walk to the post office at the jetty. Never a dull moment over here! Glad that you liked it and thanks again for craft Stamper and all your goodies in the first place! Happy WOYWW and God bless, Shaz in oz.x

  2. The bottle looks great, really like that one. Still admiring your camera angle, so sweeping. Sure you'll do fine with the truffles -the proof will be in the testing of course! - well you need to know they turned out all right surely!!

  3. texture galore here - a fabulous bottle indeed and that crafty space is looking so cosy and inviting...

  4. Your desk still looks somewhat like a film or stage set! Love the textured bottle, great detail throughout and a fantastic overall result.

  5. Ooops, posted before I had sent best wishes.... JoZarty x

  6. Gorgeous desk love the bottle sorry it's short times not on my side at the mo just stopped for

  7. Ummmmmmm truffles, save us some! I've never seen anything you create I've not been awed by, fantastic! Thanks for sharing x

  8. Your desk is always lovely, and the bottle looks great. when we kids were smaller mum used to make sweets at christmas, have fun with the rum truffles!

  9. That bottle is gorgeous. And that book mark from Shaz is beautiful also. Oooo a desk of loveliness today. What are you doing with your dolls house?

  10. Love the effect you have achieved on your altered bottle, it is fabulous!! Rum truffles... oh yes, yum yum yum!! Wish I could help you taste test them!! LOL

  11. Great the toxic jar! :) Ooh! Rum truffles....strictly off limits for me at the moment :(
    xoxo Sioux

  12. Lovely work on the bottle, but I really love the dolls house on your desk

  13. Lots of interesting things in your workspace, including the bottle (came here from WOYWW) x

  14. OMG your work is jar-droppingly superb, really enjoyed my visit to your blog x

  15. Wow! The man's a wonder. Not only does he made a fantastic altered bottle but he can make truffles as well. If I wasn't married already I would propose.

  16. I am absolutely loving your bottles Neil. Wonderful!!

  17. The bottle is really great, so much work has gone into it. My favourite part is how you have contrasting the darker colours with the vibrant bird it works so well.

  18. Your bottle is lovely and how special that you were able to use items from your old home on it. I quite like Mr Bones and his bloody little hands, personally I think he wants to play with the gorgeous swirl die cuts on your desk :)

    My Desk #52

    Love Mandy xxx

  19. A great desk and I love your bottle but especially the mixing jar hiding behind.

  20. Loving the new bottle Neil, well done.

  21. Lovely bottle, I had to scroll down to find the first one too and on the way I say your wonderful photos of Sheffield park too. Mr Bones is rather amusing, but yes, put him away somewhere safe, lol! Lovely gifts from Shaz too.

    Brenda 74

  22. Now thats what I call a workdesk! Looks fabulous Neil - you are truly one creative guy! Jo x

  23. Ah lovely gift from our Shaz, how generous. I like this bottle more than the last one if that's possible! Your desk is looking like a true hidey hole - with all your lovely stuff gathered around you in a comforting arc!

  24. So good to finally see a man crafting, there seem to be so few of you ;-) Loved looking at your workspace!

  25. That bottle is amazing much work ...and I love your desk. If the truffles I am sure they will ....please can you post the recipe.

  26. The desk looks so full of yummy things and the bottle is amazing! Belated woyww trace x

  27. You have such an amazing desk!! Thanks for a peek. Love the bottle. It's so nice to meet you through WOYWW :-)

  28. Awesome desk this week Neil! I have missed being able to see what has been going on while I was on vacation but I am taking time now to look at back posts. Love this bottle...very nice and the feathers definitely complete it! Your aging bottle is awesome even if it does contain toxic product. Love the pics of you and your family...lovely girls Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #68

  29. Rum truffles sound rummmm yummy! And nice bookmark- what a great meaning to your name and I totally agree- you're champion when it comes to creativity! That bottle is a.w.e.s.o.m.e! Patsy from

  30. Thanks so much for the ribbon. Will send deets to you. Am loving this altered bottle. Don't know how you can come up with such wonderful creations. Mrs A.

  31. Love your bottles so rustic and quaint looking
    Bridget #2

  32. Hello Neil, enjoyed reading your post again this week. Your altered bottle is fascinating, love the feathers. I'm off to do your scavenger hunt tomorrow - we do not have lots of antique stores to choose from around Ayr so I will be scouring the Sunday market and car boot sale. Hope you weekend is a good one. Elizabeth #59

  33. fab altered bottle Neil, I love it!


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