
Sunday 27 November 2011

Tissue box cover

Good morning everyone; hope you are all having a great weekend. Just a quick little visit here today. Last week I told you about the tissue box class I did at The Craft Barn but forgot to take the photo of the project; well I remembered to take photos while I was there the other day so thought I'd share them with you this morning.

Yesterday was our church annual art and craft fair at which I had a table. It was a lovely day and I was happy with the results and also it's nice to know that all the money we raised is going to a worthwhile cause. Here was my table in the morning.

So that was my Saturday sorted; now I have some projects to get cracking with so I'll catch up tomorrow. Have a blessed day everyone.


  1. Thank you so much for posting photos of your tissue bix project. I bought a 'naked' hardboard one ages ago to decorate and give as a gift but i have absolutely no idea how to make a start.

    Thanks for the inspiration! :) And congratulations on such a great table for the Art and Craft fair. Hope your day was successful.

    Take care

    Jackie x

  2. Great tissue box Neil, decorated wonderfully. Well done for raising money for such a worthwhile cause, great to hear it went well. Tracy x x

  3. Love the tissue box Neil - and glad the Art and Craft Fair went so well :) Di x

  4. This is beautiful - love it and a great idea for a pressie x

  5. Cor, that makes your average tissues look rich and important - lovely! well done at he nice to see a table full of your work!

  6. Wonderful tissue box, lovely colours!


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