
Wednesday 26 October 2011

WOYWW 125 and more

Hi there folks; time for the international gathering of global desks (desks used loosely of course, any surface is appropriate) The speaker for the chair is as always Julia; her link and speech can be found HERE
Before we discuss my desk I would like to bring to the party attention my Calender page for The Craft Barn challenge. The details are all HERE but here is a quick sneaky peek. Do pop on over for all the details and leave a comment so they know you've been!

So, my desk this morning; taken at about 6:45 am so still dark! All set up ready to go this morning with a couple of bottles that are going through the "change of life". ready to be re-modelled today.........plastic surgery for art!
They don't look too exciting now but wait till you see them next week when the bruising and swelling has subsided.
On the left we have the book which is from the Try it on Tuesday new challenge; altered week sponsored by The Craft Barn with a fab prize. It's altering fabric this week and there are some great ideas on the blog!
This was a lace doily from a bootfair so it has been covered in inks and used as a decoration on the cover, when the glue dried I inked and dry brushed silver over the surfaces to bring out the highlights.
So then, lastly are these piles of ribbons.

 4 Large rolls of the stuff which we found in an "antique" store in Faversham  for a tenner. There's about 1000 m  on them all in total! So if you want some then tell me in your comment and I'll draw 5 names  next week to send to. (I have to limit it for postage, sorry I can't send to everyone!)
So that's me this week, I'm all excited as elder daughter gets home tonight for a few days!!!!!!!! Happy dance.
Oh, and as so many of you ask about the dolls house; here is the tale. I made it (from a kit) a good few years ago, pre Tim Holtz days but never really got it finished. The stuff is jolly expensive too. So it ended up out there and stayed when I took over the space. I have been thinking about "altering" it, but when I get inspired, or the time is another thing!
So, hope you all have a brilliant day, I'll try to pop over but i've loads to do so no promises!
Bless you one and all.


  1. Calendar looks interesting and cant wait to see what you do with the bottles - I have a nice bottle lined up to do something with but at the moment its still sitting empty on the kitchen counter! Like the way you have a used a lace doily on the book - would never have thought of that so thanks for the inspiration - have a great week.

  2. that calendar page is great! I have some bottles too.... but no inspiration or time to do them.... still, they'll keep (cluttering up the place, lol!)

  3. I'd love a shot at the ribbon but realize that postage across the pond is just a tad too expensive! However, I am dying to see how the bottles turn out (I am assuming fabulous! as always) Thanks for sharing your WOYWW! -Amanda

  4. Did you take your first shot of the desk hanging from the lightbulb? Lots of great stuff going on.

  5. i love the old keys on your desk. looking forward to the results of the plastic surgery!

  6. My coke bottles bigger than your coke bottle...... hmm probably shouldn't shout about that really oh well. Love the camera angle and hope you get the time to alter that house one day that will be a unique masterpiece to behold.

  7. You know Neil, I have loads of those cotton doilies from my crocheting days and it’s never occurred to be to give then an inky make over. I may just have to dig them out because they would look great in my heritage album.
    Can’t wait to see that becomes of the bottles……….there might even be a message in them!

    Happy Crafting!

  8. Wow, great bargain on your ribbon. I have lots of ribbon as you may have seen on a previous WOYWW but I don't have anything antique and would love some of yours please :)

    Those keys look amazing, did they come from the antiques shop too? Also I have noticed your glue/glossy accents bottles, is that a stopper on the top made from Blu Tack? What a fab idea, really complete genius. I get so fed up of having to bodge a pin in the top of mine and it going rusty after a while so this is definitely an idea I will copying.... Thank you xxx

  9. Ah the puzzle is solved of the doll's house so know what you mean about the inspiration and time coming together - hard to find, sometimes! loving your calendars too - great colours! and have some of those doilies but not altered in use! I have white doilies all around. Even see one each week on my desk (which is the dining table):D happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x

  10. Always love visiting your desk, so many interesting things ahappenin', thanks for sharing Jennibellie x

  11. I'm very curious about the bottles, the calendar page looks great. Amazing find with the lace, I'd love to be entered into the draw please. Have a happy Wednesday! Mel #59

  12. Can't wait to see the bottles in all their glory next time! WOuld love to be in the draw for the ribbons, my cancer charity cardmaking stash would really be boosted - so fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing and enjoy WOYWW!

  13. Love your book cover with the lace doily. Mostly you think it's something old and boring, but here you give it a new live. Hope to see more about these bottles next week.
    Bye, Franka

  14. Well there looks to be such exciting things going on, can't wait to see what happens to the bottles!trace x

  15. I just love those keys you got on your treasure hunt. They are much bigger than I imagined or realised from your initial photo of them...

  16. Love the little houses on the calendar, and the bottles are keeping me in suspense! Will come by next week for sure! Where are the ribbons? Did you forget to put the picture?! Patsy from

  17. Love that use of the doily, so pretty and delicate.

  18. The houses with the birds on them are brilliant. Thank you for giving me another idea of what to do with my little houses.

    Have a good WOYWW.
    cheers, rachel #21

  19. I am really looking forward to seeing those bottles. Was wondering whether you were participating in Andy Skinners online tut....
    Hugs Joanne xx

  20. Love that book cover, the doily looks amazing!

    Brenda 84

  21. The first high pic of your desk made me think it looked like a stage set! The lace has worked so well after the "Neil" treatment, love it.
    Thanks for the snoop, interesting as always!
    JoZarty x

  22. As always such an inspirational visit. Hope the surgery is light on those poor bottles. I'm sure it will be well worth it in the end! Can't wait to see though...not going to lie!Thanks for the visit and have a great week!

  23. Ohh are they new bottles I see Neil??????? lol

  24. Loving what you have done with that doily! I have loads upstairs which Hubby's Aunts have made - guess what I will be doing with them now! The Aunts wouldn't mind as at least they will be out of the cupboard. Would love some of your lace if you could "fix" it for me!! Don't mind reimbursing your postage.

  25. some interesting looking stuff going on here not sure what is going to happen to it all keep us 'posted'haha
    thanks for sharing

  26. Plastic surgery, what are you up to LOL.
    Doily is looking good.
    Your finds are fantastic. I am certainly up for some antique milnery. How generous of you.
    Keep smiling and creating

  27. Thanks for the peek and sharing, xoxo Marjo

  28.'ve got the kewlest creations...and blog!
    love your altered book..with the is fabulous neil!

  29. I can't wait to see what becomes of your bottles and your doily technique is fab.... and the bonus is that at the sale the other day I picked up a couple of them too.... so I am definitely nicking that idea for the cover of a mini book!! ;)

  30. looking forward to seeing what happens to the bottles. Love the doily technique. Would love some of that ribbon please.

  31. Love what you have done with the cotton doily - if only I hadn't passed some on to the charity shop last year - they had been sitting in a drawer for around 10 years though.
    Can't wait to see the results of your work on the bottles, but know they are going to be worth the wait.

  32. Great looking stuff on your desk this week, Neil. Love the inked doily. I am starting to use doilies to press texture into joint compound for mixed media art. They make fabby textures!! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #84

  33. What a bargain and welcome to crafting, its good to see men in our domain because I believe they bring a different spin to this art of altering etc
    Bridget #37 WOYWW 125

  34. Wouldn't mind some of that there ribbon. Really is a bargain. Enjoying your calendar pages each week. I've caught up with the earlier months now. Thanks for the dolls house tale. Mrs A.

  35. now I have NO IDEA what you are going to do to those poor bottles, but I'm sure that the Bottle Protection League might have something to say about it! You are sure its legal arent you?

    I stood on a chair to get a pick of my desk, what did you do, dangle from the ceiling, brilliant angle I must say lol

    looking forward to the bottle saga lol

    happy WOYWW

    Lou #63

  36. Glad you're participating in the calendar challenge. I thought I would...but didn't happen. I love the way you used the doily on the book cover and look forward to seeing the bottles!

  37. Lots of "gorjussness" here (not a spelling mistake, just been with a young lady who thinks everything is "gorjuss" which means she wants it)for us to see. Love the top picture, pretty pastel colours.
    Only just had my WOYWW posted as I have been away and now am hoping someone can guess where I have been - little prize for the first to do it. Hugs, Neet #133

  38. Yes, I've saved some bottles ready to 'do something' with them, but sio far, they are still in the corner out of sight. (so I'll have to watch what happens to them! Great craftimess you have have a great week end, happy late woyww

  39. Your calendar page is awesome! Love it!

  40. Wow, so many interesting things on your desk! I love the keys! Happy late WOYWWED!

  41. Oooh, ribbon stuff - yes please! I'm a bit late joining in this week, but the desk here is, as always, interesting!


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