
Monday 10 October 2011

Altered bottle

Good morning peeps
This morning I thought I'd share this altered bottle that I did last week. I had to carve out the time to do something just for me!
The techniques were from an online workshop by Andy Skinner called the "Evil Elixir Workshop" To be honest I don't usually do online things but I am SO glad I decided to do this and if you get the opportunity to do it if he does another I would heartily recommend it!
So, here's my bottle; dragged out of the depths of the sea!

I started out with an empty brandy bottle that had a pleasing shape to me. Obviously I cannot give too much detail away of the steps as that is not fair to Andy. Needless to say, there are plenty of stages and at one point I thought it was a total mess!

I can tell you a bit more about the plate embellishment as that is something I did. I learn't that you can't bent Tim's Idea-ology bookplates to get a curve as they snap! But I still used them. I aged it with paint to create a rusty finish. Then to do the inside I took some friendly plastic (Doesn't matter which colour; this was purple to begin with) I cut it to size and heated with the heat gun and stamped a Sweet Pea stamp from
The Artful Splodger into it to get the girl's face. I ran it under the cold tap to harden and then painted it black before drybrushing inka gold in old silver and lava green which really made the image stand out!

The lid has a polymer face on the top; a piece of string around it and some vintage measuring tape around the side. All distressed with the same golds and black paint. The ornate embellishment  is a thin metal corner that was a bright shiny silver before ageing with paints and glueing in place.
I have to say that this has to be one of the most interesting projects I've done for a while. I've learn't some great techniques to use in other projects while working with products I never knew existed!
I still look at this and echo in my mind what my daughter said " I can't believe you made that!"
Hope you all have a fabulous day and are blessed in your creative journey.


  1. Excellent work - so much detail there and I love the top!

  2. wow, this is amazing! and i love how you photographed it with seashells as if it really came from the depths! well done!

  3. Wow!! An amazing transformation Neil! Wishing I'd done Andy's class now!

  4. A true work of art - amazingly good.

  5. WOW this is amazing !!!! i love it truely a work of art, and your photography is fab too xxxx

  6. I am always excited to learn new stuff. This is STUNNING!

  7. Love it. I considered doing Andy's workshop too. but i hummed and hawed way too long and missed it lol. you have this look worked out perfectly. well done you and Andy.

  8. A stunning bottle right out of the Jules Verne Saga. I enjoyed the workshop as you.(:o)

  9. What a work of art Neil. A fabulous bottle and so original - I love it.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  10. Oh my giddy aunt, this is spectacular. Wow. It really is incredible. Lee x

  11. This is so good,I love it! Still not finished mine yet, you were so fast!

  12. Wow absolutely stunning very artistic. How did you do the octopussy thingy?? xx

  13. Wonderful piece. Love the face on the cap. Always fun to pick something you love to try and when it works so well, it's a great feeling. Thanks for shairng.

  14. Amazing, no wonder you are thrilled with it, it's really lovely. Didn't see the tape around the top at first but then all the little bits suddenly turned from one thing into another, if you get what I mean. Wonderful bit of altered art!

  15. I absolutely love your bottle, so original!! When I saw it I just said "WOW". Your are just so creative!!

  16. I absolutely love this. Your colours are fabulous and the friendly plastic embellie is brilliant.

  17. Just stopped by from Suzie's Design Studio 2012. This bottle is the up close photo's of it. I love your blog and as of now I am your newest follower. Keep up the awesome work that you do.

  18. I am discovering more and more of your work, which is amazing. I will in the future try to pop by our blog every day.
    Hughs from Norway

  19. You leave me speechless! Beautiful and I love your daughters comment, echoing in your mind.


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