
Wednesday 28 September 2011


Hi there everyone; yes it's Wednesday so time to satisfy yourself that you are NOT the only one with a desk that looks like a war zone (Or that perhaps you are!) All the action is over at Julia's place as always and you are all invited.........
My desk this week is embarrassingly chaotic, but in my defence I've not been feeling great the last couple of days and I have a class on Friday and a demo day on Saturday so I've been trying to prep away inbetween normal life and work!
Still, here we go
Here's the usual overview shot; doesn't look too bad from here.......
On the left hand side there are some new stamps that popped through my door a couple of days ago from the lovely Toodles and Binks. These were the ones I was fortunate to win from her a couple of WOYWW's ago and she also generously sent the bottom plate of sewing ephemera stamps too which my wife was very pleased to see! Aren't I blessed?

Then in the centre is a journal page I'm working on using the Dina Wakely stamp from Ally Pally. I LOVE this image! To the right you can see some floral trim. I got this at Ally Pally and I've been cutting pieces off and using it to mop up colours from my craft sheet which works a treat. The large earring on the left is something I've been using to stamp texture onto my page with paint.

Then on the far right there are some paints I've been using and a pile of stuff from Ally Pally I've not had time to sort out yet so it's all just shoved to one side at the moment waiting for a gap in my schedule to get sorted! You may just see the Tim Holtz Christmas charms peeking out from the bottom. I thought the zipper flowers were unusual and the tiddly alphabet stamps are perfect for journals.
Now I need to crack on with the rest of the prep so hopefully I'll catch up with you later. Until them, be blessed in your creative journey......


  1. Wow you done well at AP !
    I really love the idea of using that big earring for texture stamping its really clever'
    surprising what you pick up from others .
    have a lovely week xx

  2. Wow you have some lush crafty items on your desk especialy love the look of the zip flowers.Can i be cheeky and ask who makes them?
    Hope your feeling better today,& things go to plan on your crafty demos.
    Have good wedensday and happy Creative week
    hugs judex 13

  3. Oh wow, your space is just amazing! I would love to sit there and play with everything! I am new to your blog and have had just a quick peek and it is fabulous! I am for sure becoming a follower because there is a lot to learn here on your blog!
    Oh and I love your alphabet stamps, since I started journaling my collection of alphabet stamps seems to be growing!
    Thanks for visiting me and entering my giveaway! Good luck to you!
    xoxo Karen

  4. Great space this week Neil with lots of 'I want some' goodies.
    Can't believe the number of people who aren't well this week - hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. What a lot of things to see at your desk today! I love the earrings which you use to make texture!! Does your wife make cards and tags and journals too? And does she use your desk too? happy WOYWW! Patsy from

  6. Fabulous craft space Neil, love the journal page. I ordered some of those zip flowers, they are great. Love your purchases too. Tracy x

  7. Looks like you had a good time on Sunday at AP - I saw those zipper roses too, but didn't get any - will look out for how you use then.
    thanks for your flying visit today and your wishes are appreciated.

  8. I am holding out for hobbycraft at the NEC in November. Unfortunately our local craft shop gave up the goat a few weeks ago, I buy a lot of stuff on line so it is not the end of the world but I like to look at paper and pads in the flash and the craft fairs never seem to stock many - oh well!

  9. love your journal page glad you see you using one of your gorgeous new Dina stamps, and you can never have too many alphabet sets

  10. lol @ your idea of chaotic Neil. Im too scared to show mine this week LOL

  11. Great idea with adding texture, I am going to give that a try. Thanks for the peek and sharing,

    xoxo Marjo #30

  12. I used to have a pair of earrings like that! Wonder what happened to them?? Lol xx

  13. Just cruising through, Hope you feel better soon, nasty to be under the weather and still have so much to do.

  14. wow you got a great haul of stuff from AP, and the stamps you won look great. enjoy playing with them all. BTW the zipper flowers are easy to make too, lierally twist and wrap. I have made a few and put them on hairbands.

  15. some fab stash there Neil, and great journal page too; hope you feel better soon x

  16. Great looking work space - I'll trust you on the stains as you seem to have a few!! I got some of those zipper flowers at AP as well though not sure what I'll use them for. Hope you feel better soon and thanks for popping in to see me. Happy WOYWW. Cindy

  17. Mmmm you're certainly going to be busy. Love those stamps, will we be seeing what you use them for, perhaps next week? Enjoy yourself x

  18. Great stash there from Ally Pally. I'll make it there one day, I will, I will! At least I've got Port Sunlight Show on 8th Oct but I'll be demoing so don't get much shopping done.
    Thanks for popping in on me and I really hope you get well soon. Too much going on for you to be ill!
    JoZarty x

  19. Have been looking on line at the Toodles and Binks stamps and bought some. Rather rude not too I thouhgt. Just had to have Puddleduck Pothington. Also got a few supplies in for the Calendar pages challenge.
    Just need to catch up with everyone else now. Enjoy your Weekend classes. Mrs A.

  20. Great stash you've got there. I went to a local craft show on Friday and stocked up as well - there's a photo on my blog of all the stuff I got, and also lots of photos of the show itself, which was brilliant. Happy WOYWW.

  21. Its hard to prep classes when you arent 100% isnt it - hope you are feeling better now - Love all the new stash you have to play with - sorry for the late visit but my blog seemed to be playing up yesterday :(

  22. Great stash on your desk and I look forward to seeing what you create with all those goodies.

  23. Wonderful stash.....have fun!
    xoxo Sioux

  24. The stamp by Dina Wakely is one of my favorite images!! I like that journal page, beautiful.

  25. Sounds a bit like my weekend. I have a workshop (26 eek!) on Saturday and am dem'ing at a show on Sunday. Roll on Monday when I can chill out.
    Thanks for sharing your desk - could have done with those stamps for my workshop (sewing ones).
    Hugs, Neet x #26

  26. Oh how much fun could I have in this craft room?!?!!? Why are all the workshops too far away for me to get too. Love seeing what you're making to share with us. Enjoy WOYWW!

  27. i love visiting your desk and seeing what's new. always something interesting like an earring! happy WOYWW!

  28. Wow you did better than me at AP.
    I am off stamping at present tho and into the assemblage stuff so not much doing there for me!
    look forward to seeing what you make with all that.

  29. Apologies for being so late in visiting this week but I really wanted to pop in and see what you were up to last week. Interesting post as usual, Neil. Love your new stamps and all the goodies brought back from the Ally Pally. Using an earing to stamp with - now, there's an idea wouldn't have thought of. Hopefully I will get around much quicker tomorrow. Elizabeth x #73


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