
Wednesday 14 September 2011


Goodly mornin all.
I know a lot of us say this every week but it's true; where does the time go! Blink and it's wednesday again.....
Two things this morning; firstly, over at The Craft Barn we are continuing apace with the calender challenge and are are on week 2 (Have you joined in yet?) 12 weeks of fab inspiration, calenders of all shapes and sizes.Today it's my second week offering and all the details and step by step can be found HERE so I hope you'll take a look.

I'm doing a 12 x 12 page per month and will bind it all when finished to give myself a diary to keep my crafty dates etc in next year; organised or what hey?!

Anyways, onto the desk........ that's what you really want to see, as always hosted by Julia over at Stamping Ground

Here's the usual overview shot (And for all of those who had something to say about the size of my coffee mug last week,it's true, i'm a coffee fan, but this week it's in a travel mug because it stays warmer longer on chilly mornings!)
So, what can you spy.......
Rosettes; I find it easier to make a few at a time so yesterday I was feeling rather mojo-less so I did my two usual things; had a tidy and made something that does not really need inspiration but is fun nevertheless.
Now however I need to address my chrimbo in September phobia as it's the Christmas card minifest at The Craft Barn on October 1st and I need to be able to show something while i'm demoing don't I?
So, armed with card blanks and a Tim Holtz stamp set, let the "battle" commence.........
Then I thought I'd show you the behind my chair view as I re jigged that.....

And lastly, these new drawer units that my wife bought me; she knows me well! At the moment they are labelled with post its until I get round to doing them properly but they house perfect pearls, glues dots and pads etc etc.

Then lastly but by no means least, I took part in Frankie's birdcage swap and was thrilled to receive this lovely offering from Julia which is now on the wall for me to enjoy so thank you very much!
To the left of it is a card made by the lovely Janet which I love and on the right is a card I made using one of my favourite drawings of Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings.
So that's my world today, hope to pop over to visit yours too.... be blessed in your creativity today.


  1. the calendar looks great! good idea to start it early for next year. and the views of your craft area are always amazing! happy WOYWW!

  2. Looking both very organised and crafty today. May you win the inky battle and survive the card bash. That's a fab swap too!
    Thanks for sharing today! Sarah (at 2)

  3. What a craft room - so much stuff to play with.

  4. Gorgeous craft room, boy could we have fun in there. Makes my tray on my bed look a bit sad...never mind. I can still craft from it. Enjoy WOYWW!

  5. Fantastic craft room shots- I love those drawers. Very taken with your rosettes, too, I have to have a go at some of those. And I spied Really Useful Boxes too, lol( from a confirmed RUB fetishist!)Happy WOYWW,Shaz

  6. Gorgeous craftroom and absolutely love the rossettes what good idea to do die cuts hen mojoless .Must remeber that ta very much!
    I am following the calendar and have well started mine painted the backing thats as far as ive got lol mojo not up to scracth bit hard though as comp down .Snatching few mins off daughters when shes not using.
    Anyway have fab wednesday

  7. I love those drawers bought for you by your kind, lovely, thoughtful, wife! Did you stain them or were they bought with that vintage look?
    Behind your desk looks very organised and rather desirable too.
    Lv JoZarty x
    BTW are we going to be able to see a collective all of the matchboxes given and received in the swap? Would be good and quite a few people have asked me. Even just a link to all the others would help. x

  8. I really love your craft space, with all it's nooks and crannies! Your birdcage tag is lovely. Got to check out the rest at Frankie's later..
    Good luck with your chrimbo demos - I had planned to get a few cards done whilst I was off this last week but....!!

  9. Oh wow what a stunning place for crafting.
    Amazing things you have.

    Happy WOYWW. Sandy #1

  10. It is my first time over to your blog home..and have an amazing space to work the rosettes and they look so neat... you have inspired me to have another go...
    have a great week and see you again sometime
    oh and is it just you that crafts??? or does your wife join in as well??

  11. My word Neil, when I think back to the shots you posted of your desk before you moved into the shed..where was all the stash then! I love the re-jigged shelving - it looks pretty and that's a good thing for practical!

  12. I am also in Christmas mode and am glad to see that I am not the only one who sits and mass produces things like rosettes when the mojo is off walkabout. Did that just the other day, now I can make a whole lot of red or blue type cards that need a birthday greeting!

  13. Just a quick visit this week due to illness but hope to do better next week ... thanks for sharing your desk, and the great storage, and I hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #121

  14. I'm so far behind, so I went back to last weeks and peeped about. Love your Alcohol Ink creations. Beautiful photo on last wks WOYWW too.
    Your desk this week is the most orderly of all, most of us have a real mess.
    WOW you have great new storage and lots of fun things all around. Are you a Lord of the Rings fan? Elijah Wood "Frodo Baggins" was an Iowa boy. My mom and his grandma were in school together and I lived across the street from his Aunt.
    Enjoy WOYWW and the rest of the week,hope there's more time this week.

  15. Just read your butterfly tutorial. They look super. Also like those rosettes on your desk and don't start me on your carft space. I want to come and play. Mrs A.

  16. Very nice and tidy there! I quite often spend time making up rosettes, flowers and such like but then when I come to use them they are usually the wrong colours! or even worse I never get the mojo to use them and they sit there taking up valuable space because I cant throw anything away! Good luck making your Christmas Cards I havent started designing mine for my workshops yet either so I know how you feel!

  17. Those new drawers are darling. It's good that you have them filled already. I like a neat desk, so these drawers are awesome. I've never made a rosette. They look difficult and time consuming. Happy belated WOYWW

  18. You've got a great desk today Neil, hope you're able to crack on with the "C" stuff ready for the demo. Love the shelves behind your desk and had a great time going through everything, you have a lot of very interesting stuff! Great new drawers too.

    Brenda 88

  19. Lovely drawers Neil! I thought that the sketch was David Beckham... got all of a dither til I read it wasn't him... but still had a bit of a dither anyway lol

  20. Hi there Neil you have had fun with your post today and well done on starting - or getting some Christmas stamps out! I actually did my first card for 2012 Christmas about five days after last Christmas, as did not want to to be behind.. and guess I still will be.. not to worry! love the re-jiggled storage and think I've nearly finished the bindii, phew. God bless, :D Shaz in Oz.x

  21. OMG! I love your organization/shelving and drawers this week. Sorry I am so late getting by this week but I wanted to pop by and visit your blog to say hello and to see what you are up to! Didn't have the time to post(except about newest Doswell addition) or craft the past two weeks due to being in Virginia visiting with the son's family to see the newest granddaughter born. Definitely a fun time none the less. Hope you have a great week. Vickie aka okienurse


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