
Monday 5 September 2011

Who is hiding behind the curtain?

Good morning everyone
Over at the Katzelkraft blog I'm sharing this accordion folder using KTZ 67 and 68 plates.
All the details are here if you want to see who's hiding behind the "curtain"!

I hope you had a great weekend; I did. On Saturday I went over to The Craft Barn where there were fabulous demo's all day. I was just going to stay for a while and pretty much stayed until the end it was such great fun!
Andy Skinner was there and I spent time peppering him with questions, especially about the results he gets with modelling paste as mine was not quite working out the way I wanted. At the end of the day he was kind enough to give me this tile he had done to show me the technique. (I realised that I was getting the first part right but it is all in the painting that I was doing differently so not getting the definition!)

Isn't it lovely? Thanks Andy this is going into my special things cupboard for inspiration.

The other thing I really enjoyed is his old metal effect projects. Now, I love paint effects and enjoy creating rusted metals etc using various mediums so last night I played around and using a wooden coaster I tried it out. This is the result, not quite there yet but I think that for my first experiment it turned out ok.

I was also a little bit impatient and should have let things dry more before adding the next layer! But keep any eye out, this will reappear on a book sometime.....
Have a lovely day everyone and be blessed in your creative journey today.


  1. sounds like a good weekend :)

  2. Gorgeous tile from Andy,Glad you had fab weekend .
    Can i ask What paint you used on your wooden coaster?

  3. Wish I could get there Neil as it sounds fantastic... your little project looks fab too. Hope you got your birdy cage swap partner email ok...


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