
Monday 19 September 2011

A Katzelkraft journal and a box

Hi there everyone. I've decided I'm useless at catchy titles for my blog posts!
Anyway, I do hope you are all well. Over at Katzelkraft today I'm sharing this little journal....
All the details are HERE along with a more detailed picture of the tile if you want to pop on over.
The stamps are available direct from France or here in the UK you can get them from The Craft Barn

I've also been enjoying making this box just for fun, nothing inside yet but I'm sure i'll think of something!
I covered the box with plaster of paris bandages and when dry I started adding layers of paints, so many I can't remember what! but there's black brown yellow green etc etc...... Then I used inka gold in lava green to give a lovely sheen to it. The coaster was one I'd altered a little while ago and then I used some old flowers and chain too. I'll probably add more to it but thought I'd share it now as I think it looks pretty cool.

Have a lovely creative afternoon everyone. Bless you all.


  1. oh this is fabulous ! I love both of these creations !

  2. Your post sure caught my eye! Love the finished colour. Mrs A.

  3. Hi Neil
    I love the journal. The horse tile is really striking. it reminds me of cave art paintings. We missed you and Susan at Beamsley!! We had a great weekend.
    Janet is trying to organise a workshop at Art from the Heart as part of the next retreat in March. Needless to say Linda and I are hoping to return then.

  4. It's a fabulous box, I thought initially you'd covered it in tissue paper to give the texture but then I read on. It's obvious it wasn't tissue when I clicked on the photo to see it enlarged. What a brilliant, creative idea using plaster of paris bandages. And those earthy colours are gorgeous. The box looks like it belongs outside in nature somewhere, to be hidden amongst the undergrowth. Yes, it's a shame we won't meet at Ally Pally :(. Another time maybe (you could always give me a shout the next time you find yourself in Liverpool). I'm planning on exploring London so hoping not to be long at the show, so you're safe, I may not be buying too many goodies (besides I have to carry it back on the train). Enjoy the show on Sunday. P xx

  5. Brilliant, haven't played with plaster of Paris since a million years ago, forgotten all about it! Love your both creations.


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