
Wednesday 10 August 2011


Hi there again
Yep, it's Wednesday again and as I said previously, time is running faster than me at the moment. But I am hoping to catch up sometime soonish......... Now, after a few weeks of unmitigated chaos in my craft zone you know what to expect from my desk......
Gotcha! Pristine loveliness and order. It took me HOURS to sort out and I said I'm not letting it get into such a state again! (Famous last words I know but we'll see)
So, shall we start here
As you enter on the left there is this lovely pile of driftwood, on top of the drawers which house my fabrics and ribbons etc (Yes, they will get decorated, sometime so please give me a chance!) there are some more beach finds of rusty metal and bits as well of some projects I like. Above you can see some of my dies and my alcohol ink tin.
You've seen the desk so here are the drawers on the right, at last I've managed to make a start on them but they will evolve as we go.
The solitary thing on my desk is this little chap who is going to be transformed into something nice!
In my tray are this little assorted pile of faces made from polymer clay. I just made a whole lot the other week so now I have a supply ready to use!
This is my new desk tidy that I posted about on Saturday. I've still got the altered matchbox sitting in it because I forgot to pop it into my charm cupboard. and on the left is my Ultra Thick Embossing storage jar. I like it very much and I can just keep refilling it.
Lastly, I've popped the last picture in to show you one of the things my wife brought me from holiday. I love these and they are a fab size!
Now I need to find a home for them but I'm well pleased!
Right, that's my desk this week so pop on over to Julia's to join in.......
Be blessed this week in your creative journey.


  1. great looking work space this week. I was afraid you had been robbed when I first saw it though. Great start on the drawers. I love the quote on the umbrella man. I have used it several times this week alone. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  2. Wow how tidy are you! A good sort out is good for the soul though isnt it and I bet it doesnt stay that way for long! I am glad you have joined in as I think you inspired me to go out and get some beeswax - well I now have a bag (have had it for 2 months now) and am hoping to have a play later today or Friday so if you know of any other sources of inspiration for me I would be grateful if you could let me know. Cant wait to see what you do with umberella man too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. ALL FABULOUS AND SUCH A GREAT SPACE. GLAD YOU STEPPED UP TO THE CLEAN UP! I know that feeling...the dust had all returned to mine in droves - but just knowing I've been through it all is a good feeling! loving all your pics today.
    Thanks for visiting!

  4. Loving the drawers !!

    Im not the only one who collects rusty bits of *stuff* from the beach then.. phew !


  5. Oh Neil this is so calm and neat!!! I wish I could get mine so good... but I keep trying... have a great week.. Don't forget my swap

  6. Love the man and his quote - so quirky and gorgeous! Is it a die cut? Love your workspace too, my eyes are green! Enjoy WOYWW!

  7. So many things of which to be envious - the drawers (a weak spot of mine!), the wooden garden boxes, the quote - all fantastic. And guess what?? I've got a pile of driftwood just like that off my beach, dunno what I'm going to do with it though, lol!! Thanks for dropping by - my eldest son is off to Uni in Sept too (fingers crossed!)
    Have a great week xx

  8. Hi Neil
    wow a very tidy desk this week, luv the sentiment on your man, your drawers look fab,great faces, look forward to seeing what you do with the driftwood,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  9. Must be something in the air the world over cos I had a major clean up of my desk and cubby holes this week. I even sat and re-rolled all my ribbons onto cardboard strips so I can see them all better. They have a habit of getting messy so quickly. I see you have moved into your desk caddy and the drawers have a bit of colour on them...You to have been VERY busy in your craft room.

  10. Such an amazing space, full of intrigue and possibilities.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  11. Betcha soon have it back to creative chaos! So many gorgeous things to play with - thanks for calling by today! Di x

  12. Wow what à lovely crafting space you have!!! I am sooo jalouse!!!! And super accessories., drift wood and barrels!

    Greetings marjolein

  13. Thanks for stopping by today!

    That's a great phrase on the TH man - I must try and remember it each time I think I can't do something... Looking forward to seeing the drawer evolution. TTFN!

  14. Well that’s what I call fab organization Neil, it’s just a shame that it takes us so long to get it to look like that and only a few minutes to get it in a mess again, but hey ho, it’s a creative mess so it’s acceptable!
    Loving the finished desk tidy, very useful indeed.

    Have a great day and Happy Crafting

  15. What a FUN place to play... you sure got it all going on here... LOVE it!! Thanks for the peek!

  16. Oh my hec. You make neat look cool. I'll have to come back because this is my first visit and I don't think you have it in you to compete with some of the WOYWW die hards - and yes, that was throwing down the gaunlet ;) Love the little faces and just snooped on your paper tutorial. I might become addicted too.

  17. What a hive of creativity it all...especially the WIP drawers ...they are brilliant.

  18. You've been busy tidying up! :) Nice space.

  19. WOW! The space is SO clean! I am super impressed! The UTEE jar is looking Fabulous! Love the elephant! Cool boxes from your wife! Thanks for sharing your WOYWW- Amanda

  20. Ah, a really tidy desk this week but still plenty to show - love those veggie boxes, like you say a brilliant size. Your disembodied heads gave me quite a turn though:) Elizabeth x #60

  21. Hi! you have a great space! Looking forward to seeing what you're going to make with the driftwood. Those boxes are great! My husband would love some boxes like that! Have a great week!

  22. I always say the same thing every time I clean my craft space too!! I'm loving peeking into your craft room, it looks so fabulous! x

  23. Will have to make a list of all the things on your workdesk that I envy.
    The space, storage, driftwood (no idea what I would do with it, only know I love it), desktidy, matchbox and those wooden fruit (?)trays.
    Know what you mean about having time to decorate the drawers, I've had my Ikea drawers for years and they're still bare wood - one day...

  24. You have reminded me how much I need to finish decorating all my drawers - however, I know what is in them.
    Love that driftwood! Hoping I find some in Cornwall later on this year!

  25. wow such a tidy and organised the faces and especially the seed trays.


  26. Yikes, what happened?! Love your pile of driftwood... Thanks for stopping by.

  27. I have had a lovely snoop round loads of your posts - I love your arty stuff!!

  28. Now that was my snoop of the week with so many treasures and loveliness to see. You are tidy and organised but still it all looks creative. It spurs me on to finish sorting out mine....
    JoZarty x

  29. Fantastic pictures of your latest craftiness and the sentiment on the umbrella man is sooo true..
    Have a great week, Happy WOYWW

  30. ooh Luke & I were just looking at a new room design and we LOVED the palette boxes topped with futon mattress seating idea - and I then I was thinking - CRATES, and here you are with crates,

    I feel the need to do something crate sized - reminiscent of printer tray style - crates with LARGE items in them stacked up like a mahoosive printers tray....giant letters, huge books...

    no mangled cats....


  31. So much cleaning could be fatal! LOL I usually start, but halfway through I find something I had forgotten I had and then inspiration strikes and then... well you get the picture don't you?
    You have made me feel a twinge of guilt, so I will start cleaning soon, I promise. Thank you for the visit to my blog.
    Happy WOYWW

  32. Hi there Neil thanks so much for popping over your comments blessed my heart.. and am I ever impressed at your tidy space and do love the umbrella man will be interesting to see what he turns into!!He is rather Mary Poppins-ish, isn't he?
    And adore the elephant on your container below of course, soooo lovely - and wow! what big container for your Utee! you must go through heaps..thanks for sharing Shaz in oz.x

  33. Lovely tidy desk Neil, very impressive. Love all your bits and pieces, especially the driftwood, I have a few pieces myself. Love that quote, TH has some really inspiring ones, I try to make a note of them when I come across a good one, then I can print it out for a card or project. have a great rest of the week.

    Brenda 73

  34. Great photos this week Neil. Love the driftwood and the boxes from your wife in particular. Thanks for sharing your desk with us - Happy WOYWW (late I know). Hugs, Neet #7

  35. thanks for the glimpse. I love the neat desk... Lots of room to think. love the driftwood. I'm no where near that kind of stuff. Those faces will look great one day. That reminds me, i probably should make a few too... Have a great day.

  36. I say the same thing...No more mess...and then it happens again somehow. It is nice to start off with a clean slate now and then. Thanks for the peek at all your desk goodies...still think the little chap is my fave of everything!

  37. Great desk this week, but.... is everything oké with you :D See these wooden Ikea boxes. I use them for my inks and it works perfect.

    Sorry I am so late getting around but I’ve had a two day’s craft tour. Thank’s for visiting me.

  38.'ve been a busy chap. What lovely things you have shared. I hope you find everything after cleaning and remember where you put it. Have a wonderful weekend, I'm running way behind, just too many summer things happening. Our weather turned to loveliness so all are outdoors enjoying. We need a rain to rest up and catch up.

  39. Neil, I'm not sure where to start! Your desk is pristine - so jealous! Your driftwood looks fabulous and I love how it's just sitting there looking wonderful (was that by design?). Your drawers that are a WIP look great, I'm not surprised. Those faces and your new treasures - fabulous! Can't wait to see what you do with it all, you're so creative!

  40. Your desk is really neat and I love that you have all the wonderful projects you have done around you. Love the driftwood. Kezzy x

  41. Very organised and neat - how long will it stay like that - Hazel WOYWW #65 x


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