
Friday 5 August 2011

Crafty Individuals week at The Craft Barn

Hi there
Over at The Craft Barn this week it's been Crafty Individuals week leading up to tomorrow's minifest. Hope to see you there!
Today is my turn and I have this altered frame to share.
I enjoyed dong this and the end result looks a bit like a vintage screen in my mind! The details and some close up pics are here so feel free to pop on over!

Hope your creative journey is a blessed and fun one today!


  1. Wow!!! Wow!!! & Wowwww again!!! This is superb. It's the vintage style crafting I drool over. It's a fantastic piece of art too. Such a soft colouring. I can imagine how fun it was to make. I love altering stuff like this - I can be lost in my own little world when upcycling a piece. Px

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous. I love the stamp flowers and butterflies. Really elegant. Lee x

  3. Ooh! Fabulous Neil.....I'd like a full size version of that ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. This is GORGEOUS!I love it!

  5. What a beautiful creation!

  6. This is wonderful - I love the colours.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. very pretty little item neil :)

  8. This is astonishing.
    I adore vintage and CI so yep, you can probably guess how much I love this piece.


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