
Monday 15 August 2011


Hi there everyone
Hope you all had a good weekend. I did.......
On Sunday I taught a class at The Craft Barn. This is what we were doing
Quite a bit of measuring and trimming involved in addition to all the ink and stamping. Then we looked at triple embossing with trapped highlights and adding texture to the gears.......

I love doing these classes and seeing how everyone achieves a different look and feel to the same project by varying the colours, images and placement!
It was great fun! My next class on Sunday the 11th September still has a couple of places left; we are playing with alcohol inks mainly as well as some other inks to decorate a tag book and tin. Details are here.
After the class I picked up the wife and family and we popped over to visit some friends and had a lovely evening together.

I also received a parcel from Bella in the post. She sent these lovely tags as well as a lovely card and some lovely little tickets and flowers! Thank you Bella, they are brilliant and will be added to my wall of inspiration for me to enjoy.

Right, I'd better be on my way, I'm helping my daughter make flowers and stuff today. She's made a sketchbook already for her textile work and the first lot of flowers are drying as we speak.
Be blessed in your art today.


  1. Wow this is a spectacular calender and I love the tags. Hope you have fun making flowers with your daughter. Not that you'll need any help, but I have quite a few flowers tutorials on my blog if your daughter wants a wee nosey. Have a lovely day. Lee x

  2. Wow, those got to you really quickly! So glad you like them! The calendar is a great idea. Looks like a fun class.

  3. It was a brilliant class Neil! I love my calendar! Glad you had a nice evening with the family, hope you'll be sharing those flowers you're making with your daughter.

  4. fabulous, great calendar, now you can see how quickly time will fly.

  5. Another fabulous class i really enjoyed the day can't wait till the next one! My husband has asked me to make one for his father for christmas - First time he has taken an interest in what i have done!!!


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