
Wednesday 13 July 2011


Good morning everyone.
I look forward to Wednesday because of WOYWW, don't you? Who would of thought that it would become one of the highlights of the week, but I know I'm not the only one who looks forward to peeking around the globe...... It all kicks off  HERE

So. onto the desk
 Not too messy this week because I have not had too much time. I've been working on the books I show'd you last week....
As well as the books I altered the book at the front which has an amazing texture.
I've also been playing around with a "marbelling" technique with alcohol inks (details here at Andy Skinner's blog) which is fun. I love the subtle colours of these, you get brighter colours on white card too.
Lastly, there are a couple of bits from a bootfair this weekend, don't you just love the necklace!

So there you have my desk; let's have a peek at yours! Be blessed in your journey today.
Ps, don't forget the matchbox swap, I'd love it if you joined in! Details  HERE


  1. Gorgeous desk this week Neil .Love all your albums /books the textures look beautiful.Youve just reminded me i have a marbling set got at Easter to do some eggs and all still in the packaging so may just pop by Andys and have a go!Thanks and have creative wednesday
    Judex 11:)

  2. Love your work desk/space! Great tags too!

  3. These books are fab. Are they gifts for someone or do you use them yourself. I like this marble technique too.
    Have a nice Wednesday. Bye Franka

  4. Why do I never have great finds at boot fairs? Love all the things you are showing us on your desk. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Neet x

  5. Organised workspace. Lots of lovely things on show

  6. I hive of activity
    Lovely work !
    Thanks for visiting me .

  7. The books are wonderful and I love the marbelled tags. :) What are you going to do with the necklace? :)

  8. Gorgeous necklace Neil... love those flowers... your desk look really inviting... As for the stampman piece, it's made early cos our themes collide this week!! Glad you liked it

  9. Hi Neil, Great desk, love the books! Thanks for a look

  10. Oh thanks for reminding me about andy's marbling.. wanna try that today, looks like fun and your tags look cool, love your boot fair finds, nothing better than finding a bargain to alter :D

    Happy wednesday
    hugs Minxy x

  11. Great notebooks and an enviable workspace!

    ** Kate **

  12. I have to agree with you. Wednesdays just wouldn't be the same without WOYWW :-)
    Your books are really stunning.
    A x

  13. You always have such fantastic things to show Neil I love coming here.

  14. Fab books and tags, you have a very creative work space. Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  15. Marbelling, books, necklace and that desk? To much nice! I love love love your workspace!! I have to get up everytime I need something which I guess isn't bad considering the amount of time I sit at this desk....BUT! To have so much within reach makes me jealous - in a good way though. Happy WOYWW

  16. Great projects Neil. Love the books. I've done the AI technique myself, ages ago, but had forgotten about it so thanks for the prompt. I may revisit as I love making backgrounds.
    JoZarty x

  17. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous books Neil :)

  18. ohoo lovely jubbley!! I sure If I was quite I could sit in the corner and you'd never know! fab books and things...I've done marbelling, but not this century! Have a great Crafting week ! HaPpY WoYwW

  19. Those books are absolutely beautiful. TFS

  20. Love the necklace , what a great find.

  21. Stunning projects here Neil! I love collecting bits and bobs from car boots - always a good place for interesting, useful little items for crafting.

  22. Great desk this week, yes the necklace is fab. When I go to my local car boot is usually old wellies and junk!! Hugs Pam x

  23. what a lot you have going on here! Love that necklace, can't wait to see what you make with it! Wish we had car boot sales here in SA.

  24. Another really interesting post this week, Neil. Love that marble look so will be following your link to find out how it's done. As for your car boot finds, I can see that gorgeous necklace getting well used and is that a box or a frame under it - can't quite make it out but it's sure to appear on your post at some point looking quite different. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #99

  25. Lots of interesting things on your desk this week. Your book covers look really fab. Mrs A. #88

  26. Love your work Neil!!
    Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing ;-)
    Hugs Marleen

  27. Those books are stunning and that knecklace is lovely too! I treated myself to TH tag die - brilliant as you can make tags in an instant with whatever you fancy!

  28. Fab projects and good finds, a productive desk indeed,


  29. desk looks great this week! The altered jourals are fabulous! The tags are looking great too! I haven't tackled alchohol inks yet...but definately on my crafty to do list.-Amanda #33

  30. Wow, there's some amazing art work on your desk!

  31. Hi neil, what fabulous projects! It's always great dropping by to see your desk! So much to see! Patsy from

  32. Hi there Neil thanks so much for popping over, and for your lovely comments - and wow! what a lovely lot to see on your desk today! did see the posts with some of the altered work - I really love them.. thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x

  33. Ooh that marbling is a great success - love the aged rather than distressed look you've achieved. Your desk is looking great Neil - no-one would ever know how recently you moved in!

  34. Hi Neil... just wondering if your comment meant you would like me to send you some baker's twine as you would be most welcome to share, as I offered on my blog. If so email me your addy... my email address is on my blog.
    JoZarty x

  35. Awesome looking desk with those beautiful books! I like the book in front it has such color and texture. I will have to look into the marbeling. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  36. That necklace has fab alterable bits. what a cool find!
    ta for popping by earlier, just getting some blog time now
    caroline #46

  37. Your books look beautiful and fabulous job on the marbled tags. You have such a great space to play.

  38. Your work area is just so fun! Everything right at your fingertips! At least what we can see LOL!
    Happy belated WOYWW!

  39. Fun, Fun post. Thanks for sharing, Love all the photos. Lots of goodies. Catching up..After our funeral I have 3 grand children visiting so some fun times. Heat 117 heat index, even too hot for water activities. Enjoy your week.

  40. Sorry I'm so late getting here for a snoop. But snoop I did, and enjoyed every bit of it. Love your altered projects, too.


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