
Friday 1 July 2011

Welcome to "Muse Street"

Good morning
Welcome to another day here on planet earth (yep, from that radio station)
This week's product of the week over at The Craft Barn that we are exploring is Tando Creative; a range of chipboard, ready to alter products as well as masks (Which are really fab for journalling pages etc.)
Today it's my turn to share along with Michelle.........

Blogger played up and I've only just got back online so this is later than expected but all the details are at The Craft Barn here for this little street and also the step by step for this tag


  1. Fabulous! Love the little houses and your bird tag.

  2. i love those houses on top of the box lid. very clever.
    and blogger is being so difficult these last few months. the most recent issue i had was I couldnt load any pictures for a whole day! A WHOLE DAY!!!!! lol i was freaking out. NEED to blog


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