
Saturday 2 July 2011

Look what I got......from a swap.

Hi there everyone
I thought I'd schedule this while I had a moment....
I was lucky to be part of a tag swap recently and I received this AMAZING tag from Zuzu.

 I just love all the "rust" and interesting bits that she has added to this, I have it on display in the house and love looking at it.......
If you have the time do pop over to see her blog HERE. Definitely inspirational.
I gotta get me some of this rust!


  1. OOo thank you Neil. glad you enjoyed the tag... and YES get yourself some of that there rust stuff lol. its totally awesome. I am in the process of playing with the Bronze paint and blue patina set now.....

    "Modern Masters metal effects" for anyone wondering.

  2. Oh, that's just beautiful! TFS!

  3. What you make is a feast for my eyes to look at !!
    Well done!!


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