
Wednesday 8 June 2011


Hi there; yes, i'm late again! Soreeeeeee; but it's my daughter's 18th and all sorts of other things happening and work and I just can't get my life together at the moment. But this was my desk at about 7 am this morning (Actually it still looks pretty much the same tonight as I have not been in there since coming home from work!
I had to move the current work in progress out of the way so you just get to see the mess and nothing interesting. Still trying to pack things away from the weekend. But no work for a couple of days so hopefully I will get some things finished, like the tutorial for the paper I promised.........

 But in the meantime I hope you enjoy this altered clipboard using paper, stamps from mini muse and going somewhere Tim Holtz Stamps as well as Umbrella man die.
Be blessed and do pop over to Stamping ground to join in the fun!


  1. Hi Neil, Great untidyness, perfect LOL I love the clipboard, soft but stylish and very full of Tim Holtz images, yummy, Gay xx

  2. i love messy desks so creative, good work with the clipboard, very inspiring
    thanks for sharing

  3. Looks like you were standing on a ladder to take that picture. be careful..Love your clipboard.
    Take time to enjoy

  4. Have some creative days off.....glad you enjoyed your Craft Barn demo.
    xoxo Sioux

  5. the busy work space. And I have the man with the umbrella (as a stamp) and the "enjoy the journey" stamp, so I'm liking your style! Love the clipboard. Happy WOYWW!

  6. A messy desk is a Creative desk.Hope you find time to do some crafting!Happy Woyww
    judex 2

  7. And I thought I was late! Also took an early photo, hoping to get a post in some time during the day...I guess life happens to the best of us!

  8. that is one high up shot! What a view. Hope your daughter had a great birthday.
    Love the clipboard, it is stunning.

  9. Hi, hope you have had a good week, it sounds busy anyway... Hope the birthday went well and your crafting settles down door a couple of days!!

  10. love your ink pad storage - its fab, great altered notebook, Thank you for sharing, Happy WOYWW 105, #22 (please do check out my blog candy for charity)

  11. I hear you, busy time of year, Terrific clipboard.
    Love the birdseye view of your desk
    Keep smiling and creating

  12. Love the clipboard... soft and subtle... very emotive!
    Is that a doll's house I spy lurking beyond the Distress Ink storage shelves?
    JoZarty x

  13. I found myself sitting here with my head cocked on one side to get a decent look at your desk - great space Neil - Happy WOYWW!!!

  14. Blimy! Were you hanging from the ceiling when you took the pic? Great work on the clipboard.
    Kathleen x

  15. I'm two days late so that makes you look early ;) LoVe your clipboard, the umbrella man is one of my favourites :)

  16. Hi there Neil, well hope your daughter had a very happy God blessed 18th birthday! love the man with the umbrella and the grunge... and also your workspace interesting how you store those inkpads very interesting.. thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

  17. Love that clip board ... and a great space to nose around.

  18. He he, that's my kind of desk!!


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