
Wednesday 1 June 2011

Happy Anniversary WOYWW

Hi there everyone, who would of thought that something like peeping at other peeps desks would have grown into such a phenomenon! Thanks Julie for hosting such a fab and fun thing!
Thought I would give you some flowers from my garden to say thanks!

Now, my desk this week is a TIP!!!!!!! But in my defence I have been busy trying to do a thousand things.
If you are in the Kent and Sussex area this weekend I'll be at The Craft Barn Extravaganza so do pop in to say Hi! All the details are HERE
See, told you it was a mess; and I had to pack stuff away because you can't see it yet! You should be able to spy some of the backgrounds I'll be demoing.....
 Layers and layers of creative chaos there! with a bit of a tag with grunge flower, distress embossing etc just waiting for embellies!
So Happy anniversary one and all, long may it continue over at Julies place!

Other bits to tell you about; I'm honoured to be the contributing artist over at The Artistic Stamper blog for June; thanks guys! My first post will be out tomorrow......
I will also be teaching at The Craft Barn 31 July and again in August which I am very excited about.....
Now, however I need to toodle off to work so I'll have to say cheerio for a bit.
Be blessed in your creative journey today!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! These anniversary flowers from your garden are wonderful! Have a nice day!

  2. Happy 2nd blog hopping anniversary. Those flowers are beautiful and I am sure they will find their way into a crafting project soon.

  3. Hi Neil, I think my Pif might be coming your way (you better check I've got it right though!!) I have to admit I hadn't considered that my pifing partner could be a male of the species but I'm sure you'll find some use for it. If you contact me at noseycritters(at) I shall post it to you asap ;)

    Happy WOYWW 2nd anniversary.

    ** Kate **

  4. Stunning garden, mine is mud and muck as it has been pouring with rain for days, want to plant my winter pansies, but can't get out to purchase your desk and happy WOYWW 104!

  5. Just re-read my comment and thought it might sound a bit off. I am thrilled to be sending you my pif, I was just commenting on my short sightedness of not making it a little more unisex!

    Your desk, by the way, looks like creative heaven!!

    ** Kate **

  6. Your desk always looks creative! Beautiful flowers too! Happy WOYWW.

  7. Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday. It's so lovely to be linked up with so many creative friends. Happy crafting.
    A x

  8. Thank you for the flowers and a very happy 2nd woyww birthday to you.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  9. what lovely flowers you have in your garden! happy WOYWW anniversary! your desk is always so interesting!

  10. Lovely garden pics, I have some of those dark red lilies too. And I have a peacock feather on my desk! Happy WOYWW, heres to many more

  11. love those beautiful flowers! your desk looks fab as always - love that peacock feather. See you Saturday.

  12. Those poppies are gorgeous......have fun at the weekend :)
    xoxo Sioux

  13. Happy 2nd WOYWW anniversary!
    Hugs Marleen :-)

  14. Now that is my kind of desk,

    where is the desk ?

    boundaries unmarked - hee hee

    happy 104


  15. Lovely flowers and very busy desk - have fun at the weekend ~ Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  16. lovely messy desk, there's a lot going on with the tags etc, great work

  17. Flowers for an anniversary, how nice.
    Your desk looks full of possibilities
    Keep smiling and creating

  18. Love that you shared photos of your garden - I'm a big fan of lilies and have several hundred scattered about my yard. Don't you just love those deep dark reds? Except of course when the pollen gets on your clothing! Your desk looks like a fabulously creative spot!

    Thanks for already visiting my post and yes, I am your PIF! Dropping you an email as requested very shortly!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Sheena B

  19. Beautiful flowers from your garden love the colours.Wow certainly is a crafty desk this week.Have fun at the weekend i will unfortunately miss this one as will be traveling back from the north home.
    Happy Woyww birthday have good one!
    hugs judex 134

  20. Wow your garden is beautiful. Love the artistic chaos of your desk. Can I ask what you are going to do with the feather ...I have had three for ages and just open the box now and then ...and sigh, hoping inspiration will

  21. Hi there Neil, thanks so much for popping by my desk - your thoughtful words made my day,thank you! we are so blessed even though miles apart our God meets our needs.
    I really enjoyed your garden so very much it makes me long for England, even more - you have such different plants over there. I might post some of mine next week took a cracker of a shot of the Lorikeets enjoying the garden they are such brightly coloured and cheeky boys, I love them!
    Happy 2nd anniversary and my desk is a tip, too! God's blessing,
    Shaz in oz.x

  22. What gorgeous flowers and your desk looks scrummy too... Pleased for you to be doing stuff for AS and Craft Barn... your talents deserve to be spread around... have a great week
    Love and light

  23. thats one proper desk!! love your project on TAS site

    Thanks for sharing your space - Happy 104th week, nice to 'meet' you through WOYWW


  24. I’m making a really big effort to get around everyone seeing as it’s a special week. Mind you it’s taking forever and I have a bit of a numb bum now so It’ll be back to my random visits next week I think. I just don’t know how some people manage it every week.

    Now that’s what I call a Workdesk Neil, you’ve obviously been very busy.
    Beautiful garden too, thanks for sharing your colourful flowers.

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  25. Lovely desk, one I could easily wonder through, unlike mine, where I'd get lost in the middle, or do I mean muddle? Lovely flowers too, I've been planting a few, and my beans aren't too bad either! Happy WOYWW Birthday ((Lyn)) #43

  26. oooh my kind of creative desk!
    lots of yummy stash
    Happy #2 WOYWW anniversary xxx

  27. Hi Neil, great garden shots - love hardy geraniums. I'm off on my holidays tomorrow but didn't want to go without dropping by and wishing you a great week ahead. Elizabeth x #81

  28. What a treat to see the beautiful flowers. And I love the chaos on your desk. Just love stuff!!!
    WOYWW is so fun and such great people. Enjoy the weekend.

  29. Beautiful flowers you have! I think your desk has lots of possibilities of things to do. Sorry I am so late getting around but it was a busy week. Happy WOYWW #104 and the 2nd anniversary of blog snooping! Thanks for sharing Vickie #55

  30. Wow, I love all the wonderful stuff on your desk! This looks super creative! In the posts below I saw all the beautiful things you created - I need to come back more often.

  31. Lovely flowers. Happy WOYWW I'm a litle late this week. Hugs Pam x

  32. Ah, thanks for the flowers - lovely lovely - when do you have time to garden?!! I know the Craft Barn thing went well - because it's Monday and several of my erm, spies were there!! Be tyou're exhausted!


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