
Sunday 5 June 2011

Excited, can't sleep!

Hi there everyone.
I've been awake for ages now. Looking forward to day two at The Craft Barn. Yesterday was fabulous fun; great to meet so many of you and I look forward to meeting more today. So, if you are bored and in the area do pop into Lingfield, it is definitely fun...........
One of the sample pieces I did for the weekend is a set of 3 nesting boxes in the shape of a bird

I had fun and made this little trio. Each was covered with Random papers and distress stains before over stamping. I made the base out of air drying clay, painted copper (and then black to reduce the shine!)
The legs are bamboo skewers, though I think I would try something slightly thicker next time.
The wings are grunge and some vintages watch parts complete the trio.
I like the quirkiness of them; I also like the fact that they are still little boxes so you can open them and store little bits inside!

 Hope you all have a fantastic day whatever you are doing. Be blessed in your journey.


  1. Have fun over there far too far to travel sadly! Shaz in oz.x

  2. Who wouldn't want one of these at home? So lovely and what a novel way to "display" boxes.

    Malyn at ThinkInkCreative

  3. Thank you so much for your wonderful samples, your great demos and your approachable personality yesterday at the Barn. I for one will be letting the Craft Barn know how great you are if they don't know already!
    Would love to come to one of your workshops one day.

  4. Now thats what I call clever use of a box. Brill idea to use airdrying clay to stabilise the bottom. Enjoy day 2 at the craft barn. Would love to come to one of these classes Just off to put a brad in the map for Lingfeld so to speak. Mrs A.

  5. Fabulous birds Neil and love the way you have displayed them.
    It was great to meet you in person today and to see all your amazing creations for real. You have some magnificent work and I enjoyed watching your demo of the leathered paper. In fact I have already had a play and made some since I've been home.
    It was a dreadful journey coming home, there was an accident on the M25 only 10 cars in front of me which was very frightening and even more so as events unfolded with ambulances, police and fire engines turning up. I just pray no-one was seriously hurt.
    Hope you enjoyed your second day.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  6. What a wonderful project Neil. I was so disappointed I couldn't get to the extravaganza to see you all. Maybe next time. Would have loved to see you demoing such a fantastic piece. Hope you had fun.
    x Michelle


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