
Wednesday 4 May 2011

WOYWW #100 - My new summer space!

Good morning everone; it's wednesday again and time to peruse the desks of the world hosted by Julia over at Stamping Ground.
For those of you who visit me regularly you know that my crafting space is rather miniscule to some; well; look at this.........
Yes, i've moved! I have set up shop in the garden shed! (Though I still have to share the space with old toys, an unfinished dolls house etc etc I have my very own room of stash with a bigger table!)
Most of you will not have known this but last year for a brief moment in time, I had shared a shop space but it was not the right place and time so I had to give it up. So everything had been packed away. Now though I have created my very own "craft shop" LITERALLY......

I have two spinners, fully loaded with stash.......
A display shelf, also fully loaded..........
So I feel really blessed as you can no doubt imagine. When I walk in there, even if it is a bit of a squeeze I feel as if I have entered my own Aladins cave of inspiration.......
I also have 12 x 12 display shelves in the purple cupboard and on the side but i'll show you those another time (need to sort them fisrt!)
 I still have loads to do in there as I want to panel and insulate the ceiling and the sides but it is heaven. So now you will see either this desk or my smaller one inside; dependant on the weather!
So as you can see, I have been busy but not much on my desk yet other than this tag which I have finished.

Have a fabulous wednesday and be blessed in your own creative world........


  1. Oh wow love you new space you will have to rota the spinning displays to show us all your stash - great tag - thanks for sharing

  2. Wow just love your new space and so organized and visible.Thats my problem stash packed away so you cant see what you have as with my memory it's so easy to forget!
    Having it on display is absolutely fab enjoy your new crafting cave ,Happy wednesday
    judex 28

  3. Fab space, and very organised, love the spinners, wish I had room for them, not that i need things to be too visible ... might give hubby a clue exactly how much I have!!!
    happy Wednesday,
    Cathy xx

  4. wow! lots of lovely goodies, beautiful workspace,Thank you for sharing your workspace, Happy WOYWW 100, Wow! Has it really been 100 weeks! (#3)

  5. Enjoy your craft shed, looks fab :0)
    Kate x

  6. This is one gorgeous space. I'm always impressed when someone converts a room for a new purpose. You have a wonderful, and simply perfect craft shed. Just proves crafters can craft just about anywhere. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

  7. Corr, Neil!! That is just a fabulous space... it does look like a shop and I hope you have it locked up safely at night... your stash is inspiring, as you say, no wonder you do such great stuff

  8. What a great new space - love your "shop" can we come buy stuff?!

  9. Bet you will have a great time in your shed!
    xoxo Sioux

  10. An Awesome transition. You have been busy!!! I love the Doll House. Love it that you have so many things to store and visually see STUFF.
    Thanks for sharing and truly enjoy.

  11. What an oasis and treasure trove - you really deserve such a space. have a fabulous time and may the inspiration be abundant!!! Fab news...

    Thanks for sharing your space,

    Sarah at 4

  12. what a great space, so much better than the little desk, hope you have hours of fun in there!

  13. wow, this is quite some change! Do you get to "purchase" off the spinners for your projects or are they off limits?

  14. What a neat and organized space! Love your blog header, too :)

  15. Now that's what I call a crafting heaven. Nice place! I love your art.
    Hugs Bonnie

  16. Oooh how lovely would love to have a rummage in there! Have a great day - Sunshine Girl No. 32

  17. wow, what an amazing shed, can I come shopping?
    Happy Crafting, Deb

  18. Loads of great stuff there !!

  19. Hello Neil, love your fabulously fitted out shed and you clearly have lived out the sentiment on your tag which is, by the way, beautiful. Everything is on show and to hand - perfect. I'm feeling little pangs of stash envy though. And my DH just has to see this if only for him to see how modest is my supply of stash :) Enjoy your new crafting haven. Elizabeth x #38

  20. What a wonderful space. Love that little dollhouse(I love making miniatures)Lots of fun supplies their too. It is so nice to have things easily accessible isn't it? Enjoy your space and have a lovely day. Angela

  21. Hi, thanks for popping by. A craft shed - I am very jealous! Enjoy :)

  22. Love your craft shed - am so jealous!!

  23. loving your space it looks fabaroonie - thanks for sharing


  24. WOW! A plunge indeed! What a fab space and a brilliant way to use the shop fittings for good. Having all your stash to view around you must be heavenly! Am very happy for you as I imagine you happy dance your way from house to shed!

  25. What a fun space. I think the dolls house looks great in there too.

  26. What an amazing space ...those shop fittings work so well. I love what you have done on the tag.

  27. Now you can stretch out! Excellent space. Everything in there looks so fun.
    Chrissy #95

  28. Wow! You've got a space all your own! And it looks wonderful! So much stash! Hope you get enough sleep- if I was the one, I may not want to get to bed with all the things I'll want to do! Patsy from

  29. Hi Neli, Wow and double WOW!! what awesome stash space and set up.. loving it for you, well glad you can spread out a little and have close access to so many delicious goodies... We are blessed of the LORD aren't we? TFS and happy WOYWW 100! Shaz in Oz.x

  30. What a fabulous summer work space with everything to hand on the spinners. Brilliant !


  31. Wow.That is some crafty space you have there. What are your opening times!!!!!.
    Mrs A. #128

  32. WTG Neil! Nice crafting space. Any way to heat it and keep it year round. Love all the stash stored out so you can see it. Such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing. Vickie aka okienurse #36

  33. WoW! I love your little crafty area, so neat and organised! Happy WOYWW 100! love, Clare #142 x


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