
Friday 6 May 2011

Poppy Time at The Stamp Man

Hi there everybody
Another challenge has drawn to a close over at The Stamp Man and another one has swiftly taken it's place.....
Hosted by Janet we are looking at Poppies for this challenge so do pop over to the blog to see all the details.
I guess when we think of poppies we always see red don't we? But for my piece this week I decided to try something different and made this little notebook (Actually I'm going to probably use it as a phone book as mine needs updating!)
I just love the texture of this piece and it turned out very differently to what I had thought at the beginning.
I started out with Black covers and added a couple of layers of clear UTEE. Then on the third layer I used Moonglow two tone embossing powder in Hollyberry Red/Gold, heated and stamped the oriental poppy (Aspects of Design-01 Floral) while still hot. What I expected to get was a wonderful vivid red/gold colour but instead I got this reddy/bronze tone!
So, now you know, if you emboss onto black, the colours will be dramatically different.

Isn't that texture just brilliant?
I kept the rest very simple, just adding ribbon to the spine and this triple embossed and stamped butterfly.
There are some stunning samples over on the blog to ispire you by the rest of the wonderful design team so I hope to see you there!
Be blessed in your art today


  1. Love the look of your book and you're right the texture is superb. Wonderful rich colour you've achieved too even if it was by accident lol. Px

  2. A gorgeous cover Neil, just love the texture of this. I really must play with utee more.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox


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