
Wednesday 27 April 2011

WOYWW #99 Not a pretty sight!

Good day everyone wherever you are in the world; it's time to meet up at Julia's place for WOYWW! Well; let's be frank here, mine is an ABSOLUTE tip this week! So you may want to look away now if you are a neet freek.........
See what I mean? In my defence, we had visitors this weekend so everything got shoved in. The sunshine was glorious so most of the time was spent in the garden!
I can't even begin to explain what's what so I'm not going to try!
But on another note; if you follow my blog you will have seen the tin I made for Try it on Tuesday,

 Well I made this book to go inside....

And here are a couple of the pages.....
I gave this tin and book to my cousin, she will add her photos and then we may add bits next time she comes to visit so things were kept simple.
Have a gloriously creative day and be blessed.


  1. Looking like a good desk should - amazing that you can create such stunners in this space. Have fun...
    Thanks for the peek!

    Sarah at 8

  2. You might think that you desk is messy but it stills looks very organised to me. That's a lovely book in a tin!

  3. Oh Wow! Such stunning artwork all jumbled up together, its gorgeous. Shaz #76

  4. Love the colours of the tags you are busy with. Great book and every nook and cranny is interesting today!

  5. I HAVE to come over and play at that desk - the tin and book are beautiful!!!!!
    Happy woyww
    rebecca (38)

  6. its a great site, its creativity, lots of lovely goodies there, Happy WOYWW 99, Thank you for sharing your desk with us much appreciated it. A great desk. #31.

  7. Love your desk - just the way it is, lol! The work with the elephant is just wonderful.

  8. I have issues with my pipes and cables (not a pretty site)at the mo so no desk from me this week. Come for a good snoop round yours instead. Like your book in a tin idea. Mrs A.

  9. Makes me feel right at home. No one ever visits to see anything when it is at its cleanest.
    Great projects near completion!!! have fun, you only go around once

  10. Hi Neil
    wow what a lovely creative desk, so much going on, lub the nellies, gorgeous book in ya tin,stunning work, happy WOYWW sue,x

  11. Glad to see you do get untidy Neil!!! Projects have been awesome recently

  12. your area is intense! Great tin and book!
    Chrissy #106

  13. Very creative and intense work space this week Neil! Love the tin and book you made. Enjoy the sun...I figure we can always turn on a light when it is dark and do out crafts. Thanks for sharing. Vickie aka okienurse #35

  14. Loving the Elephant in a tin !!!!!!!!!!! Think your desk beats mine LOL daren't share piccies of it at the moment. Elizabeth

  15. makes me feel so much better to see a creative space as messy as mine!! Love that book in the tin - your art work is amazing...Esther

  16. looks like a fab creative space.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Sheena #79

  17. i am definitely not a neat freak so your desk is fine to me. so many great projects in the making. as always. that book with a tin is gorgeous! your cousin is blessed to have you!

  18. Thanks for your kind comments Neil and love your desk even when you dont bother to explain sorry am very late this week, happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.

  19. Love the horse on the book - is it a stamp that is still available or is it paper - would love to have it. Love the mess - the sign of a creative person - as long as you can find what you are looking for - that's all that matters isn't it!!


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