
Sunday 10 April 2011

Ally Pally and beyond

Hi there, been a busy weekend so grabbing a bit of time now after church to quickly post this.

Hope you are all having, or have had, a good weekend. We have. On Saturday we were off to Ally Pally and had a wonderful time. There's always so much inspiration there.
We did a make n take with Donna Downey (She's wearing the tag, and this is mine.....

Now we did not actually buy much, honestly but still had a great time but we did pick up Tim's Rosette die, double sided A4 sheets, a really nice MDF album tape, button cutters and one (yes, just the one!) distress stain.........
Still, really enjoyed the day. Spent a fair bit of time chatting to people (Probably bored them to tears) and watching demos etc. I even got a stunning tag from Hels; you know, the lady off to Ranger Uni...........
One day, i'll be able to say, oh this, this is an early Hels, before her certification!
Isn't it brill? Thanks Hels.
Too tired to do anything last night when we got back so this morning I had a bit of a play and made this ATC

I also made a tag but more on that later, probably tomorrow morning, make that later actually as we are back at hospital in the morning! Hopefully things will go well.
Anyway, see you later, be blessed.......


  1. Sounds like you had a fab time this weekend and got some good stuff. That ATC is beautiful. Love the flowers. Have a great day. Angela

  2. Great ATC! Sounds like a really great time at the fair! The mingling is always the best part!

  3. sounds like you had a great time, lovin' the tags

  4. Ah..the chatting s what stops me buying - defo the best reason to go! Hope all goes well today.

  5. Seems like I missed you again on Saturday - though I am sure I saw you in the crowds! I have been catching up with your posts this week - you have produced some amazing work (as always!)

  6. Chatting is fab way to stop spending.Glad you had a greta time at Ally pally.If you take alook at this weeks WOYWW i won one of Hels beautiful ATC's and too nice just to put in the folder i am at the moment altering a frame to display it in as you say before she gets


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