
Wednesday 23 March 2011


Hi there everyone. It's that time of the week again where everyone downs tools and heads over to
Stamping Ground to be nosey! I missed last week as I was up in Liverpool so I'm glad to be back. Here's my desk this week.....
No room to move really. Well, I returned from Liverpool with a few bits that I am still trying to find homes for. So, what have we here? On the left I have some new additions for my tray, some brilliant metal flowers (I LOVE charity shops!) and some other bits of jewellery from the lovely Anita.
Then in the middle is some card (just a small bit of what Janet blessed me with - TWO WHOLE BOXES!) because I could not carry it all on the train. Along with that is this amazing collection of ribbons from a shop that was closing down - at 25pence for 3 rolls a real bargain. Gorgeous colours and textures aren't they.

Then, last but not least; some flowers I made. One thing I learn't early on was that when inking and stamping was to use a good quality card underneath what I was working on. Then when the project is finished I generally end up with an interestingly colouired and textured piece of card that I then just add some more random stamping and a colour over it all and I have a piece ready to use. These flowers were done with such a scrap (Glossy paper, with glittered bits, glue blobs and some half stamped images! I added a script stamp and then inked over it all with DI) These are great to die cut with. So I cut some tattered florals and assembled them, then I made a rose and the spikey flower.
So, can anyone guess what the spiky flower is made from?  No? ok, it's made from the "waste" bits from Tim Holtz' bird cage die! (I hate wasting things!) If you want a step by step doing then just tell me in a comment and I'll do one for you!
Enjoy your wednesday and be blessed in your creativity!


  1. A lovely creative desk full of goodies, love the flowers Neil really pretty...thanks for sharing Jo (51) xxx

  2. Drool at all those bits you found in the charity shop! I'm sure you'll come up with a splendid project! Patsy from

  3. Ooo I just want to jump in with all your metal bits and embellies! Enjoying the mooch hugs Rebekah xx 57

  4. A wonderful array and collection of findings and goodies. I know you'll be making something special soon.

    Thanks for sharing today, enjoy yourself...

    Sasa at 12 (Sarah)

  5. Wow those ribbons have me every envious there what a bargain Neil I love bargains!!! and love the flowers too Happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in oz.x

  6. Oh that. Can't wait for garage sales in the spring (April/May here). My fav shopping is resale shops. You have lots of goodies. Always creates excitement and works the mind.
    Luscious Ribbons..Love the flowers you created from pretty Step by steps are always fun. Great stop this AM..Enjoy WOYWW...

  7. Love your desk filled with fab creative stash! Beautiful flowers.

  8. Love your flowers
    Happy WOYWW! # 77

  9. Oooh, some fabulous bargains there. I hate wasting things too, which is why my house if full of "you never know when" things!!

    Thanks for sharing. Lisa Sparkle #113

  10. Incredible ribbons Neil! I'm on the net right now looking up flights to the UK!! Hope you left me some! Great flowers and great to use up the scraps and "waste" bits too.

    Brenda 84

  11. I always keep whatever I have been inking over- you're right, you get some great backgrounds that way. I even keep the paper I roll my brayer off onto! Shaz #122

  12. I always enjoy my visit here, and you never disappoint - love the flowers,and your charity shop finds.

  13. love your stash! such a great idea to use the card you have been inking and stamping and glueing on, the flowers look fab!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  14. Oh My, Oh My, this just looks like heaven!!!
    Rebecca (32) xxx

  15. I always lay a sheet of white paper down when painting or inking small pieces and found exactly the same as you a ready made source of coloured textured paper to use on something else. Waste not is very much my motto.
    Mrs A. #54

  16. Great desk and wonderful goodies... loving your work

  17. Wow would love to come have rumage through all those boxes .Just like an alladins cave!Your ribbons look lush and dont we all just love a bargain that sure was!
    Happy creative day .
    judex 73

  18. Lots of cool things there to work with and I do love those flowers. TFS

  19. Look at you with all your bargains.. lucky bugger lol
    Those ribbons were a steal, look forward to seeing with you do with it all!
    StAy InKy
    hUgS MiNxY x

  20. OMG! LOVE your desk this week. What a good deal all teh ribbon and card. You have an awesome stash to play with. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162

  21. What an amazing desk you have Neil. I love those ribbons and what a bargain. I love making flowers out of scrap paper too, you get some lovely results don't you. Fancy using the waste from the bridcage die, thats ingenious.
    Hugs Lisa #148

  22. Lots of great stash to snoop on as ever! Hope you enjoyed your time in the "Pool of Life" hometown. Let me know next time you visit and I'll give you a grand tour of all the places to find treasure trove!

  23. I love the look of the flowers from the left over bits of Tim's die, and would love to know how you made them and coloured them. Also, your desk looks like mine. well used. !!!

  24. Your tip about the card underneath your inking is EXCELLENT! Best today, so practical and simple to copy. Thanks Neil.

    Been poorly so short & sweet this week
    Shirl #38 again!


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