
Friday 18 March 2011

I'm back!

Hi there everyone; just a quick hello to say I'm back! Had a very busy week but a good one. My wife's plaster cast has been changed for a material one which makes it easier for her and we are back in a couple of weeks.
Then my daughter's college interview went well. and the end result is that after being introduced to the course leader for the course (that she originally wanted to do but could not apply for as she did not have A level art) she has been offered an unconditional acceptance for the pre degree foundation course in Art and Design based on the standard of her own work! I am thrilled for her, as so is she!
So all in all a very productive week though no crafting time!
Then when I returned home I discovered that my charms from the charm swap had arrived. They are fab so will post photo's later.

So. I'll be back later with some photo's.......


  1. Great news Neil. Enjoy the charms & have a great weekend. Sounds like it well deserved!

  2. Hope your wife is doing well, and getting better day by day. Congrats for your daughter!

  3. God blessed all around, glad to hear, Shaz in Oz.x

  4. Congratulations to your daughter you must all be so proud - hope your wife is doing well - God bless - Nicky

  5. A huge congrats to your daughter! Not surprised considering her Dad. How proud are YOU!? So sorry about your wife. Hope she's doing better. xxD

  6. Fabulous news for your daughter Neil, talent obviously runs in the family. Hope your wife gets better soon.
    Take care.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox


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