
Monday 21 March 2011


Morning, oops, actually afternoon! Where has the morning gone? Oh well, time flies when fun is being had....
I am sure that I am not alone in noticing a bit of a habedashery trend emerging here in blogland. Now I don't have any of those lovely tailor dummy stamps and dies (yet) so I thought I'd have to wait a bit to join in the trend..... no, not going to do that so I improvised and made this tag.
I'm pretty pleased with the result. I started with a tag cut on yellow card and inked with bundled sage, vintage photo, frayed burlap and forest moss distress ink I then stamped a script stamp and a grunge texture stamp(both Stampers Anonymous Tim Holtz) in Frayed burlap before over stamping the sentiment, crown and flowers in forest moss.
 To make the tailor dummy I cut the top shape out of thin cork; I took a birdcage in black card and cut the two outer sides off and the top of the cage. I stamped the flowers onto the cork in frayed burlap and forest moss and then attached the cage as seen. The top of the cage became the top of the dummy. Some ribbon in gold and green around the waist and some little gems around the neck (Thanks Janet, they are perfect!) and et voila, one custom dummy! Some old lace at the bottom and a metal flower to finish....

In other news; the excitement is beginning to build in the Walker household, my birthday on thursday so that means CAKE!!!!!!! and then on friday the missus and I are off to the Lovin Ink craft retreat that I won, what a birthday gift that was! They have been posting some sneaky peeks over the weekend and it is looking fabulous so I can't wait!!!!!!!

I have been busy with some other things lately that I can't share yet but we ARE getting closer to the reveal date........
Till later, be blessed in your art


  1. Beautiful! What a perfect idea for that die!

  2. Great tag. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and the cake is delicious!

  3. brill idea with the die,truly inspiarational

  4. Good stuff. Advance happy birthday. Enjoy your cake...and craft retreat.

    Malyn at ThinkInkCreative


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