
Tuesday 29 March 2011

Guess What?!

Hi there.
Just a quick post, i'll be back later with some of my projects from the weekend.
I was thrilled to have been asked to become a member of the "Try it on Tuesday" design team over this last weekend. Obvoiusly it took ages to think about it and agree; well, a nanosecond if I'm honest!
So I'll be joining the talented team over there and hopefully inspire you a bit with my style of art!
Aren't I the lucky one! I am really looking forward to working with such a friendly bunch of ladies!
Hopefully I'll see you over there too.
There are weekly challenges, sometimes there'll be prizes sponsered by The Craft Barn and Lovin Ink but most of all it'll be a chance to have fun!
This week the theme is an altered frame.......
I was running out of time but this is my frame
I used silver card, ran through the cuttlebug and brushed with black acrylic paint to age before gluing to a wood frame.
Do pop over to see the rest of the DT's fab projects
Be blessed


  1. congrats. on being on the design team, love the frame, great idea rather than using metal and looks just as good.

  2. You so deserve to be on that design team and I love this idea, I have tons of frames I need to alter, this is a great idea!

  3. Huge congrats Neil! Love your altered frame.....just goes to show it does not have to be time consuming to look fantastic :)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. This is brilliant Neil and really looks like metal! Thanks for joing the TioT team we are so pleased to be crafting with you x Janet

  5. Hi there Neil and welcome to the TioT challenge team. I just love your frame it's fantastic and I just know you are going to be a great member of the team. Looking forward to getting to know you. xx

  6. Hi Neil, love the frame and congrats on the TIOT. Hugs Heidi xx

  7. Congratulations on joining the TIOT team Neil, I'm sure you will be an asset there!

    This does not look like card at all! Another great altered project.


  8. Hi Neil
    Wow you whipped that up in no time and it's stunning. Saw this technique on your folder over the weekend and thought it was fabulous, lends itself beautifully to a frame too. Have tried embossing mirror board a few times but it always looked cheap to me, now I know why, I need to grunge it!! Here's to working together and to the exchange of ideas. Loved working with you at the weekend, it's great to come across a mind as craftily quirky as mine!

    x Michelle

  9. Came over from TIOT to congratulate you on your DT spot and then spotted your step by step tutorials and got side tracked for an hr.(love the pink flower and had to have a go myself) Totally forgot to leave you a comment and then computer booted me off the web for 2 days. Personally I blame the Monkey as he was busy on there doing some downloading. Bet he pushed the wrong button. Any way congrats.


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!