
Wednesday 23 February 2011


What's on my workdesk this week? A mess. Sorry Julia, though I try I can't be tidy ALL the time!
So here it is........ In the middle is a piece of card with scrunched up tissue and alcohol ink. (When I have not got any specific ideas I tend to just create a background or random piece that satisfies my need to do something then later it will get used in a project). On the right there is something that I can't show you yet (So, no looking, ok?) and behind that is the card made yesterday. In amongst all the other chaos is a couple of new paint tubes; Eco friendly. VERY VERY happy with them, they are AMAZING. I got them from the Craft Barn over the weekend and am pleased I did.
Since there is not much happening on my desk that is photoworthy I thought I'd do a couple of closer shots of my bits and bobs tray since a few of you seem to want to rummage!

Have a lovely day and be blessed.
I may well pop back later but for now i'm off to do the WOYWW tour come over and join us HERE


  1. OOOOoh doesn't look a mess to me Neil.. :) you have beautiful drawers! very organised. Have a fun day..xx

  2. Really love all the little crafty bits in your drawers.
    If you haven't been yet please pop over to our blog shop, leave us a comment and be in with the chance to win a crafter's apron.

    Good luck.
    A x

  3. Hi ya
    oh what a fabby desk, so many goodies to have a rummage at,,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(18)

  4. see Neil, tidy and messy are subjective experiences you look positively tidy compared to me...


  5. Ah you see Neil the only reason my desk is tidy this week as it is the dining table and I HAD to tidy it up or it would still be covered.. and yes! I confess! I feel positively green to hear you visit Lakes district regularly; there are so many memories of that incredible autumn day - sunny and warm - when I visited Hilltop farm (yes, weather was God blessed! I "trained" it from Manchester then bussed/ boated it {cute little timber boat} and bussed it to the farm, and back again!) The happy memories of her rooms with her paintings and the little original copy of her Peter Rabbit book; and I sat on her seat in front of the house overlooking her garden, and ate my pork pie lunch, pretty spiffing for an Aussie girl to do - you know!
    Anyway enough waffling, I love all your stash and you little paper with no peeking has me very curious of course (as it was meant to)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x

  6. Neil oh how id love a rumage around the bits and pieces draw see loads i could make use of youve not popped by to say hi please do as i have some MR T Candy up for grabs to all you Woywwers...feel free to enter and good luck
    hugs judex7

  7. Love your scrunched up tissue paper of randomness.(Is that a word!) Just had to go swoop in nearer for a closer look and also had a virtual rummage of your craft draw.
    Didn't like to say so on my blog as monkey was lisening in but the brown cardi is destined to be a clone of him. A friend in USA wants me to make her one. Off to go do some boiling now. Happy crafting.
    Mrs A. #76

  8. I'm sooooo jealous, I want your cupboard. There's sooo much stuff, no strike that!! So much Treasure!!
    (Happy WOYWW)

  9. ooh I would love to get my hands on your drawers! Please hope your other half doesnt take that the wrong way - but its a proper treasure chest... I would just go and stroke it and never get any crafting done... happy wednesday

  10. Thanks for the rummage! I enjoyed that ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  11. You do have a lot of great bits and bobs in your desk Neil, and that technique with the tissue paper looks like fun.

    Brenda 103

  12. Love your bits and pieces tray, especially that beautiful green butterfly. Hug Pam x

  13. There's a lot there, sure but you are SO tidy....

  14. Not messy at all. Love that drawer and would love to play with that lovely lace there!

  15. Hi Neil - what a treasure trove your work station is! Love it! Found your blog via your comment on my WOYWW, and had to sign up as a follower once I'd looked through some of your lovely work! Thanks so much for sharing it, and for visiting mine.

  16. Love all your tidy bits and intersting materials
    Keep smiling and creating

  17. Thanks for a look at your goodie nosing around there! Your desk doesn't seem too messy-it seems just right for creativity!!!

  18. I agree, your desk is like mine. Only mine is bigger and therefore a frightful mess rather than an inspiring vignette like yours! Love that Eco paint too - isn't it smooooooth. I was at the Craft Barn yesteday with a couple's quite a long trip for us so we are by no means regulars!

  19. Cor what nice draws you have Neil LOL
    Thanks for the close up PMSL
    Happy Thursday x
    Hugs Minxy #2

  20. Love the WOYWW and yours is great. We have to have fun and messy is part of it. But you have lots of fun treasures. Enjoy

  21. thanks for letting us rummage around in your draws!!! they look so interesting. thanks for sharing. Hugs Olive xxxx

  22. Lovely to see all the treasures your have stashed away.

  23. looks like you have been very busy on your desk and now you have shown a close up of your bit and bobs tray I just want to rummage more lol ~ thanks for sharing ~ Nicky no.4

  24. That box really does invite rummaging

  25. Love all the awesome stash you have here! I like the organization so you can access it readily. Sorry I am so late getting by this week but life happens. Vickie #148

  26. Boy would I ever love to rummage! xxD


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