
Wednesday 16 February 2011


Yes, it's wednesday again, where does the time go? Time to see what's on the desks of the world again over at Julia's blog Stamping Ground. . My desk is looking a bit tidier this week (if you don't look at the piles of stuff lying on the shelves above!)

There's a couple of finished items and some preperation pieces. Next to the tray are some thick chipboard book covers. Just covered in thick gesso and a bit of ink at the moment. In the middle is a "tattered" book and on the right are a couple of little note pads and some corrugated card waiting to be used (Or filed!)

Want a closer look at the book?

I used corrugated card for the covers; coloured with colourwash. Attached to that is a distressed piece of dictionary paper, an embossed alterations tag. Old tape measure, some grunge "waste" . Idea-ology sprockets and a fanciful flight butterfly in gold and copper. I tore card in olive green for the pages inside.

Then a close up of the two little note pads. A bargain at 25p each so I made a couple of embossed covers for them and bound with the Zutter. Quick and simple upgrade!

So there's my desk today. Hope you have a good day and are blessed in your art.


  1. Hi Neil,
    Love that 'tattered' book...especially the butterfly. Not too messy on your desk at all!
    Susan xxox #13

  2. Love that book - are you sure you're not Tim? lol

  3. Your projects are fabulous and I love the colours. Looks like a very organised desk as well. Have a good woyww week.
    Sandra #69

  4. all looking very fabulous from here, love the butterfly

  5. Lovely books....I might make it to The Works this weekend for some of that plastic metal stuff! Found out there is one in the next town ;)
    If I can take some pictures next week I will certainly try :)
    xoxo Sioux

  6. Looks like a lovely workspace! I love that little compartment tray. The tattered book is gorgeous. Have a good creative week! x

  7. Hello Neil, love your work space, you have everything within reach. Your tattered book is great and I love what you have done to make a couple of inexpensive notebooks look really classy. Elizabeth x #61

  8. Hi Neil
    gorgeous creation on ya desk,luv all the detail on it, fab notebooks,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (31)

  9. I love your desk today, you are SO creative.

  10. A very orgamised desk Neil, love your work

  11. Oo such lovely grungy colours - great little projects!

  12. Fab desk. love those notedesks they are gorgeous

  13. Great book - love the corrugated board and all the grunginess! The colors are so foresty good choices all...

  14. Didn't get to play this week on the WOYWW...but just had to stop by and see what wonderful things were in the works! Love your little books....I need to give this a go!

  15. You are a master at texture, well done. S #106

  16. Lovely book Neil and those little notebooks look great.

    Brenda 100

  17. Great snoop at so much creativity. Love the projects.

  18. See Neil, I always thought that butterfly die was horrid and too big. And now you've gone and made it lovely and in proportion. I love those olive pages. And I say it again - my word you work tidy!

  19. Wow...I'm a first time visitor to your blog and it is amazing. your art work is stunning.


  20. Hi there, That altered book is absolutely gorgeous! And you've used one of my most favourite embossing folders to revamp those notebooks. Never enough time to see everybody, but I'm glad I made it here today!

  21. Amazingly interesting as usual Neil thanks for sharing have never use corrugated card like that but it is simply brilliant and was looking thoughtfully at that sprocket set on an eBay shop recently rather like them! mm just might go and have second look, after 21st when my card turns over its new month! Insurance times three on this month was rather deadly!!
    Shaz in Oz.x T

  22. Very nice desk...very organized. Love the chipboard books
    Vickie #30

  23. Loving those books! Very grungy! Thanks for sharing!

  24. You always have such great stuff on your desk. LOVE the tattered book and I must do up some notepads like that! xxD

  25. Gorgeous projects, the notepads are a brilliant idea, tfs your inspiration, Shaz #131

  26. Love this - esp the butterfly - fab work - thanks for sharing :-)

  27. Great ideas love the notebooks and your mini book is brilliant ~ Nicky no.6

  28. great projects. fun work space. Love your grungy butterfly project.

  29. 've been looking through your blog and you make terrific projects! Looking forawrd to seeing more of your work! Patsy from

  30. Love the embossing, you've really done a good job, Love the butterfly on your tattered book
    ((Happy WOYWW)


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