
Thursday 3 February 2011

Valentine Challenge journey - day 8

Welcome to day 8 of our little challenge. Glad you are enjoying it Heidi! Thank you everyone for your lovely kind comments. I am looking forward to seeing everyones take on the project at the end!
So here is todays ATC
The background today is pretty simple; I layed random strips of tissue tape over the ATC and lightly inked the card (If you don't have tissue tape you can achieve a similar feel by masking strips and over stamping)
The grunge E is coloured using alcohol inks dabbed on with the felt applicator tool in green and brown. The negative flooded with glossy accents and covered with microbeads. The butterfly is a cuttlebug die cut and embossed on a dull gold and a glossy accents swirl drawn on then covered in microbeads. Everything attached as shown. Have fun with it today and i'll see you tomorrow for day 9
Be blessed in your art today


  1. You really make me work very hard!
    My husband is guessing what my sentence will be... he can't get it right .. haha

  2. I'm playing "catch up" since I've been gone a few days! Sure love all the texture those beads give.! xxD


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