
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Valentine Challenge journey - day 7

Halfway there! Can't believe it really but that's the way life goes; february already..... Here is today's ATC
For the base card I masked sections with tissue tape and inked, repositioned the tape and added another colour, then again in the other direction to create a check/plaid pattern. I then Stamped the Tim flourish in brushed corduroy. I loved these little heart mirrors when I saw them and at only 59p for 6 how could I resist!
(you can use silver mirri card for a similar feel.) I stamped the bird from one of Tim's ATC stamps onto the mirror in stazon and when dry added a few microbeads. The L and crown are both grunge, I just lightly inked the letter, the crown I covered in glossy accents and smothered with more beads. And there you have it, day 7 finished! Have fun with it.......


  1. WOW! What fun bits you have! The textures and shine are amazing! xxD

  2. This is great Neil, am enjoying this little sojourn into my more arty side, used to do a lot of this style before I started to make cards, weird how you change during different periods of your life eh? Heidix

  3. I am anxious to give this one a try. Isn't it fun to find little bargains, have no use for them, tuck them away, and then SOMEDAY they are just exactly what we need. I write the date bought, store, and how much I paid so that the excitement can be relived again. I know...I need to get a life!! Linda


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