
Sunday 20 February 2011

OH WOW 100 Followers!!!!!!!!

Hi there, got home tonight after a visit to friends (via The Craft Barn!) to find I have reached 100 followers.
I am humbled and amazed that 100 of you have chosen to follow my blog. When I started seriously blogging I decided that I was not going to offer candy to entice people to follow me. I wanted people to follow because they liked what I did. But I do think that this milestone deserves a celebration........ so for the next 24 hours everyone of my followers who leaves me a comment on this post will be entered into a draw for one of you to win a suprise goody bag from me as a thank you.
Your comments are always appreciated  and encourage me to create art...... so here's to many more good times to come.
So, lets here from you until 8.30 pm tomorrow my time! (UK)
Be blessed


  1. I love all your projects. you just have a great style!

  2. Congrats on reaching 100 Followers!! No surprise with the wonderful projects you make :) Px

  3. Congratulations on 100 followers - your work is so good you deserve 1,000! Cx

  4. What a wonderful surprise, but truly deserved Neil, you have a fabulous blog :) Here's to your next 100 ;)

  5. Congrates again. You are acheiving some wonderful milestones this month, with your blog awards and now 100 followers. WAY TO GO!

  6. COngratulation on your 100 followers I am sure they will keep growing as your work is amazing and inspirational - I'm hoping to visit the craft barn later this week :)

  7. Congratulations on your milestone . I love visiting your blog you do amazing art and so inspirational.

  8. Hi, wondering if I made it the 100th follower since I just signed on your feed this afternoon. I am so very inspired by the pictures of your work. Glad I found your blog today :) pat walker

  9. Congrats!
    Guess I won't be able to win again?!
    You do make beauiful thingies..

  10. Hi Neil!Your blog deserves 100 follower and more!I love your work and admire the creative person in you!:)

  11. Congratulations Neil, 100 followers is an awesome effort! I'm up to 15 and I'm chuffed with that, but then my work is vastly different to your artistic endeavours, I stand in awe of your talent.

  12. Was I number 100? or 99? Hey That is agent 99? OK in my dreams but I saw your card on one of the blogs I follow and I looked at all your work and it is just beautiful. You do different techniques and your cards are so great plus mostly women do cards so it is nice to see a man's take:) Have a great day

  13. Congratz on reaching 100 Followers! I really enjoy looking at your wonderfull and inspiring creations :)

  14. Congratulations Neil on making it to a century. Craft obviously fills you with joy, as it should do and it spills over to your followers. Heres to another century. Annette

  15. I am not surprised you have 100 followers your artwork is fabulous and unique. Tracy Evans x

  16. Congratulations on your 100 followers - soon to be many more, I think :) I love your style - keep it up

  17. Can't remember where I found you, but your blog is on my blog roll, and I visit often. LOVED your hearts hanger!


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!