
Monday 28 February 2011

Altered dominoes - part 2

Good morning everyone.
As I promised yesterday, here are the rest of the dominoes that I created in my "Creative Frenzy" Inspired by the Craft Barn ! Thanks for all your wonderful comments. I appreciate each and everyone of them.

The first set to show you today is this little travel inspired set of four.....

So the basic ingredients are Crafty Individuals images that have this lovely Venice feel of "artistic decay" and romance......
Again, I coloured the edges with Krylon in silver and rock candy distress crackle over which I coloured in walnut stain to highlight the crackle.
Don't you just love the dinky key!?  I could not believe it the other day when I came across these just lying on the road (3 of them) So someone has a padlock with no keys but I have these adorable 1,5cm keys!!!!!!

Then I made this little pair.....

These were done a bit differently. After the krylon in silver and a touch of Alcohol ink to colour I covered the domino in sepia glossy accents and sprinkled some ultra fine glitter in while wet. A little key to finish.......
Have a great day and be blessed.........


  1. All the dominoes are fantastic Neil. Such an abundance of creative flair. Love the soft vintage feel of them. Px

  2. Mmm I saw that over at the Craft Barn, Neil! I was simply amazed at the actually so beautiful and thought what fun it would be but none of the equipment let alone the time to play. I love your blue ones below as well as the sepia ones above very lovely, different surfaces are so much fun, thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  3. Wow! Great crafting. The dominoes look FAB. All that detail on something so small!

  4. They are gorgeous. I've been in a second-hand shop and saw some dominoes, but decided to not buy them! I should have...

  5. These are fabulous Neil, just love everything about them.
    Have a great week.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  6. Love these too the images are fab :) must treat myself too some of that rock candy :)

  7. Your images throughout this are so special. Greart job on the distressing and final pieces. They are all adorable.

  8. Lovin your Domino art, I can't believe you found those keys in the road. I guess I should keep my nose to the ground. LOL
    hugs Lynn

  9. Those are really awesome! I need to make me a necklace i think.......

  10. wow you are on a roll!!!
    Glad you are enjoying the challenge so much. Your dominos are beautiful

  11. these are little jewels! Faabulous! xxD

  12. Dominoes dominoes.. love it ! :-)


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