
Thursday 27 January 2011

Valentine challenge - anyone want to play along?

Good morning everyone, hope you are all well. I have been having fun creating a Valentine banner and thought that perhaps some of you lovely followers of mine may like to join in the fun?
The case is packed and ready and I am starting today and it will take over the next 15 days. (Started early because the time zones in the world confuse me and there's no point in doing something that ends on the 14th here but may be the 15th somewhere else!)

So what will you end up with, I hear you ask... Well you will have a lovely banner to show your other half how wonderful he or she is; and two people who complete the project and link up at the end will stand the chance to win one of these two packs comprising 4 Crafty Individuals unmounted red rubber stamp sets, a selection of my own design filigree paper designs and a selection of my own original lazer cut thin wood veneer characters.........

The "rules" are simple: To be in with a chance for one of these packages to come to you, you need to comment on this post to tell me that you are going to play along; create each days ATC and at the VERY END  I will put a linky thingy on the final post, then you need to post your completed project on your blog and link it to my final post . I will come and visit you, and them randomly choose two people to win.

And, just to make it easier, because I know that not everyone wants to send a valentine but may want to play with I will accept any sentiment, for example HAPPY BIRTHDAY !,  JUST BECAUSE U R U,
SWEET SIXTEEN !!, THANKS A BUNCH !! all have 14 letters!

Hopefully at least two of you will play as I would love to send something to you!

So, the suitcase is packed; who's coming?

Day one will start later today and continue daily.........

Quick little edit as some of you seem confused (I confuse myself somedays!) To put it simply I have made 14 ATC (Artist trading cards) that spell out BE MY VALENTINE ! Then at the end they will all strung together to create a banner that you can hang or just leave in the suitcase or box to give to your chosen recipient . My idea was that each day you do the same as I have if you want a valentine greeting, or substitute the letters to create a 14 letter  greeting that works for you if you do not want to make it for valentine specifically. So each days ATC will have 1 letter on it......
Ok, you don't need to leave a comment on every days post if you can't but it would be nice if you left a comment here to tell me you are playing with me and obviously when I do the last post with a link tool then you would need to post your finished project on your blog and link it so I can visit you! Does that make more sense? I hope so!


  1. You mean that we actually have to make a card a day, a valentine card for our better half? And comment each day?

  2. Very intriguing, sir. Would love to play along, but it's a toughy. Am I reading the rules right? Each ATC should have a letter that will eventually spell out a phrase for a banner that has 14 letters (or characters)? And must each post be daily? I'll be away a few days and may not be able to post (or comment) on the appropriate day because there will be no internet. Perhaps I should be a bystander. LOL Fab idea, though. xxD

  3. I'm going to have a go - if I can keep up!

  4. I'm gonna have a go on it!
    Good idea.....

  5. hello, i stumbled on your blog and find your idea very interesting. i'm just not sure if i can keep up and finish on time! but i am very tempted because i want a chance to win those amazing goodies. i love the designs!

  6. I obviously didn't read to well. Post the project at the END and link! Sure would love a chance at those goodies. Have several phrases in mind. xxD

  7. Hmmm, intriguing! I think I might give it a whirl!

  8. Hello Neil, will have a go at this am starting a little late I guess, but will give it my best shot. Heidi

  9. Hi Neil, I have a question on your "Valentine Challenge". I do not have a blog, and I live in the USA, so I am wondering if either of those things would disqualify me from playing along?
    Your challenge sounds very interesting, I have never worked with ATC's, but I have promised myself that 2011 will be the year I step out of my "Safety Zone". lol And....having said that, Is it O.K. if we just copy, copy, copy your example for the day? Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Linda S. in NE

  10. Hi Linda, Living in USA is not a problem, The challenge is really just for fun, so in that sense you are welcome to play along with us! If you would like to be in with a chance to win one of the prize packages then I would need some way of verifying that you have completed the project! Copying what I have done each day is fine, you do not need to follow "Exactly" as we all have different products, stamps etc and I do not expect anyone to buy anything specific!

  11. What a great idea. I am going to give it a try.

  12. Hi Neil

    I've been lost for a week or so as I have had no internet. Hope it is not too late for me to have a bash at this.... just hope with leaving myself short of time I can catch up lol!

    Have had a look at the ATC's you have made so far and they are all FABBY and GORGEOUS!!



Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!