
Friday 17 December 2010

Work and snow!

Hi there, well I guess that at the moment I have to confess that my life has entered the rush before christmas time zone so please do not expect too much from me until after the 30th. But I will be back in full swing, I have lots of plans and projects in the pipeline so please be patient!
In other news; I opened my blogs today after work to find out that I had won one of the Artistic Stampers prizes from Artyjens splinter group tag posts. Talk about a happy chap! Especially since it's snowing again!

This was my back yard after last time's snow; don't really want anymore! Enjoy the weekend everyone and I'll try to get time to create over the next few days
Be blessed


  1. Well done on your win Neil! You won't mind being snowed in with your new stash


  2. Congratulations and I just love that photo!

  3. Congratulations and the stamps will be winging their way to you this week :)
    Happy Christmas

  4. Hi Neil! Looks like things are on the up :) Congrats on your job start and hope you enjoy your prize ;) I'm sure you will!
    xoxo Sioux


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!